Gender Dysphoria

1 year ago

Jordan Peterson is an incredible mind. Whenever I hear him speak, I feel more enlightened as a result. In this he discusses gender dysphoria and transgender topics. He nails it on the head with his discussion that society is promoting this. It is pushing it on children that are at a very confusing stage in their development. Just an incredible analysis. This issue that has exploded in recent years. Proponents will indicate this explosion is due to greater social acceptance. I contend it is more predatory in nature. As an example, take a male child moving into puberty. This child is not as big and strong as the other boys around him. He feels different. He could even be picked on by the bigger boys. Being the victim of constant ridicule he seeks something, anything to stop the harassment. He then sees trans kids elevated above this harassment. Society has made it an absolute taboo to ridicule these children that claim this status. I am not here to trans people. I am merely stating we have made the declaration of being trans a cure all for the woes of puberty. Many children will take this cure all for the short term benefit and come to regret the lifelong consequences of hormone replacement and gender surgery. This has become yet another prong in the war on humanity. The prevalence of trans people has exploded. If you can make then neuter themselves then there are fewer people breeding. It is just another depopulation tool.

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