1 year ago

My "pool boy", Joey, is a really nice guy, he comes every Friday to do the pool. Joey is always polite and is respectful of my property. We talk to each other like we are friends. One time the garage door was open and he saw the Cobra for the first time. It was up on jacks, not quite road worthy at that time, but still very impressive looking with fat rear tires hanging down. He really flipped out over the car saying it was his dream car. He couldn't contain his absolute glee in seeing an A.C. Cobra, even a replica. I reached in the cockpit and turned the key. It quickly roared to life inside the garage, which is always a real audio treat as the rumble is magnified in that confined area and you can feel the power in your chest. He loved it. I asked him if he knew how to drive a 5 speed to which he answered that he did. So, I told him I'd let him drive the Cobra once I was finished with the repairs and it was ready for the road. A few weeks passed and the day had come. I was using his cell phone camera, having forgotten to mount any of my GoPro's and he didn't have the time to wait as he had more pools to do. We got in the car and away we went. He did real good working the clutch, which is what I was worried about. He drove it for a few miles and even got on it a little bit. Overall, he was very excited and was truly appreciative of my letting him drive his dream car. Sorry for the terrible, low res video, but I had to download it from his Facebook page and this is what I got.
I'm pretty good about giving people rides in the Cobra and letting people drive it. Once, I went to the store in it and about a mile down my road a man was standing on the sidewalk. His jaw dropped when I passed by and he didn't take his eyes off the car. "Hell", I thought and stopped in the middle of the road, backed up to him and asked if he wanted to go on a quick trip to the store. He said no in that strange way that I know means, "I'd love to". I said if he didn't go he would always regret it. He smiled and got in. I drove like a bat out of hell and gave him the ride of his life, he was hanging on for dear life. I later found out that he's my Doctor's father! He told his son about the experience and the next time I went to the Doctor I heard all about it. Small world.....

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