The Lockdown Files - They said Covid risk was negligible for under 35s, mild for most in their 80s.

1 year ago

The Lockdown Files have been leaked, and they're pretty damaging to Matt Hancock , Boris Johnson and the rest of the tin pot egotistical power loving dictators.

Following the excerpt of some of the 100,000 messages that the Telegraph has got hold of is a reminder of Bozo and Co telling us Covid would be mild to even most people in their 80s.... so why did they destroy so much when it was mild, they knew masks didn't work, they knew the vaccines didn't stop transmission....?

Or is this a distraction....?

People should be getting angry.

"Matt as I read this chart an 80 yr old covid patient has a SIX per cent chance of dying and if you are under 35 your chances are negligible"

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