72. Talking with a Sheepdog, ret LTC Dave Grossman

1 year ago

Today I talk with retired LTC Dave Grossman. He is well known for coining the term “Sheepdog” in relation to people that are protectors. We talk about sleep and its importance and many other topics.

Later this week I will have Dr. Lee Merritt on to talk about Ohio, preparing for the unknown and national sovereign movement.


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72. Talking with a Sheepdog, ret LTC Dave Grossman

Nurse Kelly: [00:00:00] Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time. Of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All right. Well thank you for joining me. We've got a wonderful guest here lined up, but first I wanna give a special shout out to all of my Patreon supporters. We've got Shell at the $50 level. We've got Sam and Angela Sheey at 20 $20, $20 and 20 cents.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We've got the pandemic reprimand level at $17 and 76 cents a month with Linda, Perry, Ty, we've got the self-made level at $10 with Katie and Kevin. We've got the refined, not burned, $5 tier Emmy, Joe, pat, and Bev, pj, Rebecca, and a brand new one. Darrel. Thank you. [00:01:00] Courage is contagious. Level $1 a month.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's Amanda J and SP's. Nasty. Thank you so much for supporting me. I truly, it, it means the world to me, especially with how valuable the dollar is and how it's almost $8 now to. 12 eggs, which is insane. Them being one of these super foods on the face of the earth, them and liver. But enough about diet, enough about that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I, I am truly grateful to be able to introduce my next guest. Most of y'all have heard of him before, but it's retired Lieutenant Colonel. Dave Grossman and I'm probably gonna keep calling you, sir. I know you keep telling me to call you Dave, but it's, it's just a huge respect thing and I'm very, I'm kind of Fanboying fan being a fanboy over here and I apologize, but it's, it's just an amazing blessing to be able to talk to you cuz the Lord has given you a voice and allowed you to reach far and wide.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if, if you're not familiar with retired Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, he kind of coined the term sheepdog. Many of us use that who are protectors and he's, I mean, obviously he didn't make up the term cuz. Is the name of dog, but he brought that analogy about and made. As famous as it is today. So, sir, I [00:02:00] wanna thank you so much for joining me today.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Thanks, Sam. And, and, and I'm just wanted to be on board with you and your listeners and it's kind of cool to hear the whole Patreon thing and the battle is ongoing and you're in the front lines and right up front. I wanna say that I, I support you. I've made a similar decision on my own life, but I certainly have not had to, to pay such a price for it.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: But let's lay a foundation, if you don't mind. You know, not everybody listening here is coming from that same perspective, but we're we're believers. And and is one, you know, common denominator we share. And one of my more recent books is on Spiritual Combat, a Christian book award finalist.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, the end, we're a battle against forces of evil. And here's the thing to understand. You know, you keep your eye on the horizon. Sooner or later, our nation will fall over our dead bodies. You know, that all nations end eventually a hundred years, a thousand years. Sooner or later, our son will die.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: but eternity continues. So keep your eye on the ball. All these things that are happening you know, the, the eternal dynamic is really the important one. And never let the [00:03:00] world drag you down. Never lose track that you know, the world says you know, that, that you know, that, that, that it, life is hard and then you die.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And we said, no, you know, to live its Christ and a die is gain, you know? And and we've chosen our position and we won't be worn down by the world. And we look at that big picture that waits out there for us. And and, and I kind of wanted to lay a foundation for you on the aspect of this whole battle that I don't know if you're aware of, and, and I was kind of looking through some of your password, Sam, but do you know how general officers are selected?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I have no idea. But I would imagine you first have to have a frontal phlebotomy before you're, you can qualify.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I , I, I didn't know I was outta the army for a while before I looked it up. They are nominated by the president and approved by the Senate, just like federal judges or ambassadors. And, and, and you gotta realize that that's the law.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Now what, what, what happened was, you know, you, if you're a military historian at all, When you look at [00:04:00] the Civil War, you really look through a different lens when you look at that political dynamic of appointing generals and the way they played the game. But then around World War I, the, they began to say, who are we?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Decide who should be generals, you know, and the admiral. So the services nominated it. Then the president and the Senate kind of rubber stamped it. They always kept their finger in, and the law still says that they're the ones making the call. So for, for a half a long time, you know, they've just kind of rubber stamped it and, and trusted the military, keeping a finger in the equation.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And then Bill Clinton becomes president on the very first day. Hillary says, who are these effing guys? And f uniforms from my effing house, you know? And and it had this clash on the very first day. And, and throughout their, her entire time, she never wanted to see anybody in uniform. I've had this story over and over again.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Police in uniform, military, in uniform. You know, the, the first lady's coming down the hallway, we need you, anybody in uniform, we need to get on the hallway. Don't wanna see that over and over again. You know, it's says a sick thing. And so [00:05:00] Clinton began to play the game harder than anybody seen it a long time.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: That was in during that time, I got out in in on terminal leave in 97, kind of finally punched the clock at 98, and Clinton was president. The Cold War was over. And, you know, my, my job was done. But back in those days, the word was out. If you wanted to have stars, you had to be pragmatic, put your politics in your pocket, put your religion in your pocket.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, you had to be pragmatic or, and, and it's like, like this great number of liberal colonels to draw from. But they really did play the game hard. And then Bush is president for eight years and eight years of Clinton Generals kind of, kind of nominated eight years of Bush generals. And then Obama played the game for eight years.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: The hardest had played in a long time. Now you and I know there's some great generals out there, some great men and women, but they have been put through a left wing filter for 24 years and, and we don't realize. [00:06:00] You know, we, we talk about deep state, we talk about the battle for federal judges. We don't realize that we, that there's been a battle going.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We didn't even know it was there. And, and they've been out on the field making touchdowns. And we had even on the field, and we know we have to fight for federal judges now, you know, we know we have to fight for Supreme Court justices, but nobody told us we had to fight for gen. Now there's some magnificent men and women who are there, but they have really been, been in, in the process.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And now, you know, a lot of the VAX mandate. , well, Here's a great chance to purge our ranks of all these extremists. Here's our chance to purge our ranks of all of these and at at a higher level. That one thing we gotta establish is kind of the scientific method. It's all, it's all a matter of degrees. You know, and, and this, this idea that we're absolutely certain is not scientific.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, we, we know about the 0.05 level of statistical significance and we gotta admit that we might be wrong. They [00:07:00] cannot and will not admit that they might be wrong. They can't even accept the remote possibility. And so that's where we are right now. You know, we might have been conned by, by all this stuff, but I don't think so.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And, and I think the rational decision for me when the time came, you know, I'm, I'm 66 years old. I want to play in for another 20 years. I'm on the road for 25 years, 200 days a year. And and that's my prayer. I can do it another 20 years. The only way we win is to stay in the fight. The only way we beat this bastard whoever they are, is, and I'll outline some of the, just to stay on the fight.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And as long as I have the health, I'm gonna be on the road, training cops, training the military, doing my best. But I'm 66 and and I think I'm in superb physical condition, praise God. And and for me, making a risk analysis, taking the vax was, was was, it was a no-brainer for me. I've got loved ones all around me that have made other decisions, and they're, they're deeply invested in that decision.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: In the big story. But I, I've made my own decision and, and we all [00:08:00] exist in this realm of the scientific method that we might be wrong, but we made our bet. The odds are as we see it as such, and, and there's value in that, but we've gotta understand how we're playing the game and we see within our army how that's happening.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Now, you were just, you were just showing me something along that line who you were thinking. M go ahead, please.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, I was saying that, you know the book you were just holding up Yeah. The extremists, if. Hold this document close to your heart and for the listener, it's the Declaration of Independence on the Constitution of the United States.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you have one of these and hold, carry it with you, you read it at your leisure, you hand it out to patients, you hand it out when you're being given an illegal order to take a shot that's unlawful, and then you have a 15 six against you. And they say, and he was handing out constitutions as if it's a bad.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Yeah,

ret LTC Dave Grossman: So I, I think we, we, we no more. Yeah. Now, now, now keep your, you know, keep your, your eyes on the horizon. Never [00:09:00] lose track of the fact that we, you know, that that eternity is out there. But right now, you know my book on spiritual combat. We are in a battle against forces of evil, and our job is to fight the good fight as long and hard as we can to love God and to love.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And if we truly love them, and if we truly love God, we'll bring them knowledge of salvation. And we do that by, by Galatians six, nine, girl, you're not weary. You're doing good. In the fullness of time, you reap your award. Just let your life be a living witness. So better, so much better to live the sermon than to preach it.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And that's all on spiritual combat than you know. They, they, our initial issue, the full armor of God, our mission statement, and the truly, truly, amazingly well received. , but we're fighting a fight against forces of evil. And, and and, and the model I have in the book is is Sheepdog. You're right, I, I coined the whole sheepdog model and I had a guy recently say, why is that whole sheepdog thing taken off?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, you first mentioned it in on killing my first book in 95 and it really got some traction. And then, And on combat [00:10:00] in 2002, we really ran with it. And he said, why is it taking off so well? Because, well, I, we love dogs and you know, in the Bible they had dogs. We know that, but they were considered unclean.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, Jesus talked about, you know, even the, the puppies under the table get the crumbs, you know, and, but well, we love dogs now and, and it's my, from a spiritual stand, . I, I'm just God's faithful dog. You know, I, when we get there, we're gonna be embraced as, as, as beloved children and will understand things we can't even comprehend right now.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: But right now, you know, my dog can't understand most of what I do. Why? Why are you doing this when you could be scratching my tummy? Come on. What are you doing This? What's this all about? Can understand Speech Canada stand books read. That's how we are with God. We can just barely understand. So many aspects.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: So, you know, my dog and she let her off the leash. She runs in the neighbor's yard and rolls in something stinky. I still love her. And God sees every bad thing we do, and he still loves us. She loves us enough to die for us, [00:11:00] you know, and and so this idea of being God's faithful dog, you know, well it, it, it resonates.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: It takes the sheep dog model the next step. And everybody out there that might not know the great. Now Sam and I are here to tell you that, that this is where it's at. This is, this is the end story. This is the ultimate dynamic. And, and people say, well, I, I thought again, in the book, people say, I wish I could believe I, I I wish there was a loving God.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Well, that's the bottom, that's the first seed of belief is, is they're just hired to believe that, that the wish it was. Take your little seed of faith and plant it and ask for more faith. You know, the man came to Jesus, asked him to heal his son, and Jesus said, if you believed all things are possible, he said, I believe, help my unbelief.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Boom, Jesus did what he asked him to do. That's all God asked us is to ask for more belief. They ask for more faith. Plant your little seed of faith. And believe in a world that there is a loving God who has a plan for us and who's sacrificed for us and paid the ultimate price for us. [00:12:00] And we're fighting this battle right now.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Aslan is on the move. Good things are happening. You look at the big picture there of men like Sam and out there fighting the good fight. This you know, and, and people have decided it was a way to purge our military. And that's part of the equation without a doubt. I think that some were thinking to some degree and yet here you are driving.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: touch and base with people, Patreon supporters. It just warms my soul and gives me faith. So my contribution to your, your podcast, it maybe haven't really been touched before. Number one, about hall generals and what's going on in a kind of a bigger picture in the big battle that we're fighting. But number two, I I, if I only had 30 minutes to speak to a military and law enforcement audience there, there's one thing I'd be covering with all my heart.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And that is this global epidemic of sleep deprivation. Now, here's the key.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Sleep deprivation makes us [00:13:00] stupid. We do stupid things. We say stupid things. 18 hours without sleep and your impaired judgment equal to 0.08. Legally drunk blood alcohol, 24 hours without sleep, and your impaired judgment equal to 0.1. Above legally drunk bed and, and two nights without sleep, and you are psychotic.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Any graduate of Army Ranger School went to about hallucinations on the third day without sleep, and we have people all around us going days and days without sleep. There is nothing macho. There's nothing tough, there's nothing impressive about going without sleep. Any 10 year old girl at slumber party can.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: the professional thing is a manager's sleep. And, and, and that's the key is this, this global epidemic. Sleep deprivation, number one, here's a critical point. It is a huge factor in suicides. How many times have we talked about military suicides, law enforcement, suicides, and home den. On sleep deprivation, one of the best meta [00:14:00] studies on suicide, do an online cert, suicide, sleep deprivation, boom.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Look at all the research. One of the best meta studies on suicide said, not only is sleep deprivation, a major factor is the most remediable factor. If we truly gave a damn about suicide, if we truly wanted to do something about it, this is the first place we'd be working. And, and, and here's Parenting 1 0 1 for the 21st century.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Now, suicides have exploded worldwide. Every age group, every nationality, the demographic group, almost without fail, have seen suicides explode. Tweeners 10, 11, 12 year old girls tween age girls suicide rate has tripled per capita just the last decade. So here's parenting 1 0 1 for the 21st century. When you send your kid to bed at night, take their cell phone away from them.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: No laptop in the room, no cell phone in the room. They have gotta go to the room and sleep. A cop came up to me during an outbreak. In one of my presentations, he said he said, I had a good girl. She was an native [00:15:00] student. She said, dad, it's embarrassing. You don't have to take my cell phone every night.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You can trust me. He said, so I trust her. Let her keep her cell phone. He says, you know, family policy, cell phone goes that charge her off the bed. He said A little while later, I said, let her keep her cell phone. And she took her life. My little girl took her life. , he said We never knew the hell she was living in until we looked at the text messages on her cell phone night after night of Ceaseless, relentless, vicious bullying, and he can't just ignore that.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We're not wire that way. He said it was heart rendering, the sea erupt night after night, trying to defend herself, trying to find somebody to stand for. I said I understood my little girl was bullied to death. What I didn't understand until now. She was sleep deprived, mented, and bullied to death in front of my eyes, and I let it happen.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: He said, I can't ignore that text message in the middle of the night. How? How can we respect our kids to, he said, the one thing in earth I've done for my [00:16:00] little girl was take her cell phone overnight and let her turn off all the bad stuff in this world. So who's gonna be your mommy? Who's gonna make you turn off that world?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We're in the middle of this global epidemic of sleep deprivation. Number one, it's a key factor in suicide. Number two, it's a key factor in traffic. Now, decade after decade around the planet, we brought traffic deaths down, airbags, seat belts, medical technology. Now, for the last decade around the planet, traffic deaths have exploded.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: What is the new factor worldwide? This, this sleep deprivation. There's a reason why truck drivers are required by federal law to get enough sleep and airline pilots. Number three, the opiate epidemic. Sleep deprivation creates chronic pain. Why opiates? Why are opiates a drug of choice? Prescription opiates have always been there.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Well do an online search for sleep. Deprivation of pain. Boom. Doc, I heard all the time, give me a pill. If you need a pill, you need more [00:17:00] sleep and you gotta knock off the caffeine shortly out to lunch. This, stopping your finger, keep cycle sleep. So there's pieces that need. Also, we know that the link to obesity is powerful.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You, you wanna lose weight, get more sleep, and heart disease and sleep deprivation. And also, finally, a lot of solid data on the link between sleep deprivation and dementia Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's most common form of dementia. A study a couple years back said, lack of deep cycle sleep is the single greatest predictor of Alzheimer's.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: So why, why, why, why isn't this come? Now, here's the deal. Let's look at tobacco. My dad started smoking in 1941. He was five years old, a punk to nickel on the counter, so couldn't even look over the counter. Plunked a nickel on the counter, bought a pack of bull tobacco and rolling paper and started smoking at five.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Hey, candy ro your teeth right. Candy's bad. We don't know that cigarettes are good for you. They, they had Salem ads as your dentist. I recommend Salems. Camela said [00:18:00] More doctors smoked camels. Well darn Salem Camel, they're all boys and don't do it. 55 years later, those cigarettes finally killed my dad, but they didn't care that they were killed.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: They just wanted to sell their product. So the head of Netflix said the number one competitor is not other online provider. The number one competitor is sleep. The corporate policy of Netflix is steal your sleep. The video games are designed to put you off low state. You play games all night long. You stagger into work or school, you play games the second night, all night, you're now in your third day without sleep.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And those zombies are all around us. And again, I'll tell you from personal experience in Ranger school, you, you will see things and hear things that are not there. And that third day without sleep, I, I, I've lost a brother and two nephews to suicide. One was a veteran. We'll talk about veteran suicides.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: The other one. Well, it was just a, a high school kid. The new video game came out. He'd locked himself in his bedroom with a, with a stack of, of, of, of munchies and sodas and the new [00:19:00] video game on the third day, he killed himself. Don't know, no letter, no suicide, no nothing. Why, why, why? Well, we go back and look at sleep deprivation and we see this factor, and these games are designed to put you in the flow state, and they don't care that they're killing people and Facebook.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: So Facebook will never say you've been online for the last 48. I'm gonna turn you off and get some sleep. Now, the video game will never say you've been playing this game for 36 hours straight. Get some sleep now and Netflix will never stay. You've been binge watching shows for the last 48 hours. Time to get some sleep.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: They will never do that. Like the tobacco industry. They just want to sell their product and like the back industry, they are very, very invested in getting rid of any evidence and points a finger back at them. Now that tobacco has fought tooth and nail decade after decade over one thing to keep selling tobacco to children and to admit that their product could do harm and, and they fought tooth and nail just to keep selling tobacco to children.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: That's where we are. One of my books is [00:20:00] Assassination Generation. I was at the White House as part of President Trump's surround table on violent video games, as said, the White House again, brief Vice President Pence. Both times I put a copy of the book in my hand, assassination Generation. In 2005, the state of California overwhelmingly voted to regulate children's access to violent video games.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Data was overwhelming. Home of Hollywood, home of silicone. Voted to regulate children's access by overwhelming numbers. Arnold Schwartzenegger was Governor Arnold so signed the bill and the video game ministry fought him all the way to the Supreme Court. They said, we have a constitutional First Amendment right to sell any game to any cage at any age.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You cannot stop us, you cannot regulate. And they conned seven old men. Seven. Supreme Court Justice never played pong in their life, overturned the California law. That's in my book, assassination Generation. Nobody's even heard about it, so just just understand that there's a battle all around us against [00:21:00] this corporate evil.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: and they don't care that they're killing people. They just want to make their mega bucks. They just want to make their millions. And we come back to the same dynamic with the vax and, and, and pumping this thing down and making vast amounts of money and, and cutting corners, you know, are, are, are we wrong and in our belief or we accept the scientific method.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: There's a 0.05 possibility. We might be wrong, but I think the data's overwhelming out. And these corporate predators are selling death and they don't care. And, and we won't even hear about the link between suicide. He come, boom, it's a surprise. Suicide and, and, and sleep deprivation. We started to ask him, was he sleep deprived?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Oh, he played video game for, you know, was, was he sleep? Oh, she's on social media all night long. Night of tonight. Said, just recognize that we're in a battle and it's a vast battle, but in the end, It's a battle against evil. And one of my favorite authors, he wrote the, the line, the Witch in the Wardrobe series having a crazy brain brains fan, but, but he said CS Lewis.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Yeah, [00:22:00] CS Lewis wrote one time. He said, when you, when you think about evil, he says, evil is a corporate boardroom with people in night suit. Making decisions that that was the Holocaust was people in, in, in, in, in nice places with night suits making decisions that resulted in this stuff. And he said, that's where we truly find evil.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And that's the battle in you, Sam, have been in the middle of that battle. You have paid a price for him, you've stood up for what's right. And I honor you, and I salute you. And I thank you as, as, as somebody who's in the front lines of this battle. Just, just zoom out for. and understand how vast this battle is.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And in the end, so much of it comes down to corporate predators who don't care that they're killing people who conceal it. It's the tobacco industry many times over, and they control so much of our information network and they're doing everything they can to To, to, to continue to keep making money.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Now, hang in [00:23:00] there, brother. Hang in there. All you Patreon supporters and and all your, your fellow mind, and those of you that are on the fence out there I, I put myself behind Sam with all my heart and all my soul. The date is overwhelming. We have a level of statistical significance as to what's happening out there, and you're fighting a good fight.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: For our way of life and for our lives. And the constitution and the, you know, is not a a band document. And and you gotta keep hanging in there and everybody else out there, you gotta keep hanging. So that's kind of gross from this you know, two bits up front. Sam, where, where else should we, should we take?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much. That, that means the world to me. We mentioned off air before we started the Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser. And, and I think what you're kind of touching on, and I wanna just dive into it head first, is this unseen realm idea, cuz you, you're mentioning it, but kind of in the periphery.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And this idea that the boardroom is where all the evil is. That fits right in with the unseen realm because you have this whispering in the ear, oh, we'll do this. It's good for you, it'll be good for those people [00:24:00] that you're, you're doing this for, or you'll make a buck. And those people, they'll be fine.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Don't worry about that. But all those added. In totality end up in a place where you have, you know, the homosexuals, the gypsies, the Jews rounded up and put in a place where they're working until they're dead and and killed on purpose and horrible medical experiments. And that's that unseen realm. It's that whispering in the ear.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's, it's this thing you can't see, you can't feel, you can't, it's not flesh and blood. It's the rulers and the principalities of darkness.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And you know what, that's a really great point cuz, cuz this is something I said about our generals. You know, generals on the battlefield would be brave. They, you know, like, like most of us, they'd put their life on the line, but they sold their soul a nickel at a time.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: They compromised and compromised and compromised till they have nothing left. And, and let me give you an an angle on that. I, I think there's great value and understanding the crazy things that our military does across the years now begin with, with the Korean War in a book [00:25:00] called This Kind of War By, by tr Fehrenbach.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And what happened was at the end of World War II America was sick of of discipline and structure. And they said, look at the Air Force. The Air Force doesn't have uniforms and haircuts and saluting. The Air Force doesn't do the, the drilling ceremony, you know, and, and look what a good job they did. So they had the Doolittle Commission, Jimmy Doolittle, he had read them what led the raid on Tokyo and, and and, and they said, and they basically gutted discipline in the.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: and then the Korean War hit and the US Army was destroyed, shattered, devastated. The Marine Corps who didn't really play that game, saved our bacon. They saved our nation's bacon early in the, in the Korean War, and we learned our lesson. So Vietnam begins and we had McNamara's a hundred thousand.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: My grandpa grandfather is one of those frozen chosen, and he's still walking around.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And he got shot in the ankle on the third day of the attack.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Wow. Wow. [00:26:00] And, and they were, you know, they were great people, but we don't understand how much those, those, those frozen chosen, that, that those few in the Marine held the cap cuz they didn't play the political game quite as much as anybody else did.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: So Vietnam dirty little war in Southeast Asia and a guy named McNamara Secretary of Defense said we're gonna Draft Cat four bees. This is Cat four, category four, bottom half of five categories there. People in the World War II wouldn't have been drafted, and the message was these people have been socially repressed.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Now the military's gonna be the mechanism for them to improve themselves, and we're gonna draft a hundred thousand of these guys. They, it's kind of crude. They were called Mcna, Moore's, Mor Morons. McNamara's a hundred thousand. And they died at a rate two to three times greater than cat once and cat two on the battlefield.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: The, the phrase that was floated at that time to put a stupid man in combat is murder. Well, private Grossman [00:27:00] enlists in 1974, our army had been gutted after Vietnam. the druggies ran the barracks if you wanted. If, if you didn't want to fight, you had to do drugs. Cuz you know, if you just do a little smoke, a little dope, snort a little crack the druggies ran the barracks.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And I was, I, I, you know, I, I was pulled out of a line platoon to be to be the, the unit clerk. I was radar O'Reilly, you know, and on, on a real old fashioned typewriter in 19, well, 1975 a mountain. And on through 76 and 85 and became unit operations and, and battalion operations. But I was ready, O'Reilly, you know, and and we had files of article fifteens, an inch thick counseling statement, article fifteens an inch thick.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We couldn't get rid of them. And, and, and the point was, These people have been socially repressed, and it's our job to give them social mobility. We're not even at war right now. You know, you give 'em a chance, you can't get rid of 'em. So 1980, Ronald [00:28:00] Reagan becomes the president. Now, recruiting was so bad.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I was, I was a young lieutenant in the ninth in infantry division. Out of, out of, out of every three line platoons in a company, one platoon was zeroed out of the two remaining platoons, one squad was zeroed. . So what ought to be a company of nine infantry squads was four infantry squads. And the weapons platoon was kept, generally filled.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We were not just a hollow army, we were an empty army. We couldn't get rid of the dead weight, we couldn't get rid of them. Reagan became president and the military pivoted on a dime. We had great recruiting. We had people who would entrust their children's life to this. After Afghanistan, who will entrust the children to, to our leadership today?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, no, no repercussion for the tragedy in Afghanistan. No repercussions for the, the whole VAX thing. Every, every one of them should be fired to start from the ground up. But but. Reagan McCain [00:29:00] president, good people in enlisting. We had the year analysis program. We had the expeditious just started program.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We got rid of the dead weight in in a year. We pivoted on a dime. We had incredible people joining up. But we keep going through this cycle when, when there's some social experiment that has to be inflicted down upon our military and every way, every time we have to. We had to fight with all our heart and all our soul.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Look at the price we paid in Korea. Look at the price we paid in Vietnam. Look at our hollow army that just, you know, that we, we won the Cold War with Ronald Reagan turning us around, focused us the right direction. So here we are again, and we've gotta fight with all of our heart and all of our might for what's right and true and good in our civilization.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And, and we go back to the corporate boardroom and decisions that are made in the Pentagon. And, and these, this is where evil lives. This is where evil lives making these kind of decisions to abandon Afghanistan, and nobody is left accountable to, to mandate this facts. And, and is there any accountability [00:30:00] happening?

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Well, I, I hope there will men, like you'll make it happen if it happens with your lawsuits and other things. And, and, and I, I, I believe the tide is gonna turn and but recognize his drawback for a minute. And look at the big picture across the across the, the, the, the, the decades. And know you're fighting a good fight for what's right and true.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And they have, it comes back around what I was saying. They have sold their soul a nickel at a time. They have compromised their integrity. Get that next, next. You know, they put their politics in their pocket. They put their religion in their pocket to make that next rank. They sold their soul a nickel at a time, and they get there and they have nothing left.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And, and pray. because you really are empty, hollow, sad men who, who have nothing left. And they certainly, they certainly don't have the Lord in their life if if they were, were doing this kind of thing. So, oh,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: yes sir. That's perfect cuz with this whole vax, I generally call it a bio And most of my listeners know wine. If you or a new listener haven't figured it out, go listen to episode 33, please, and you'll see why I call it a bio weapon. But this, [00:31:00] and I show you all the documentation but it. . It's not that they did a mandate, it's that they gave an unlawful illegal order and they wanted something that was partially developed in China, injected into you and into me and to everyone.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so it's, it's a war crime because from March 27th, 2020, we were in a, a quietly declared war because you can't have eua granted unless you have an e. Declared and that emergency can only be declared if there is a seaburn or chemical biologic, radiologic or nuclear exposure to US citizens on American soil, US citizens on foreign soil or the military.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So we've been at war quietly declared war since 27, March, 2020, and that would classify these as war crimes, in my opinion. Hopefully the courts can figure that.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I think there, I think we had come out the other end with a sense of [00:32:00] accountability for these people that I pray we well, but in the meanwhile you're, you're, you're on the side of the Angels brother and, and I saw that episode you're talking about.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I went and I looked at it. If go go and listen to an episode and get, get some information. But but keep on you know, I, I love. I, I, I, I just, just, you know, above you is that pandemic reprimanded . There's a, there's your ranger tab, there's your airborne tab. Wear that with pride. You know, I, I bear the airborne tab.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I'd bear the ranger tab. I'll bear that one too with pride. You know, and and no, you're on the red side there. It's a beautiful tab. That's when

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: we get off the air. I wanna get your addresses. I, I think you certainly deserve one of these. I'm gonna send you one of these and all the listeners, these are available.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: There's various links available, but it's on eBay. It's helping fund my legal fees. I've spent over $60,000 of my own legal fees and on top of that I've received a $10,000 grant from Truth He Truth for Health Foundation. Please check them out. I'm a volunteer through them, part of their military advisory council.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They're doing great things. They're helping other service members like Mark Haw. [00:33:00] Listen to his episode with me where he was convicted. He's actually had a court marshal. He was convicted. They're helping out bill Mosley, who had a board of inquiry in the Navy and they found it was unlawful to tell him to take the mandate to take the shot.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yet, since it's not a court of law, it's only an administrative inquiry. It doesn't have any standing in, in a c. One thing that I, I did wanna touch, sir, is you kind of mentioned this, and this is something I've, I've listening to the Bible project, listening to the book unseen realm. There's this thing where Jesus says, you know, you can tell a mountain to throw itself into the ocean and it'll do it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I, that's always, that's always just struck me as how can I tell a mount a giant piece of rock to go throw itself in the ocean? But if you. Listen to or read the unseen realm. There is this idea of the Divine Council. And in second Temple, Judaism, they thought the divine Council was in the mountains.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's why mountains were a high place. That's where Moses went and met God on a mountain. And so if you look at it in that sense, a mountain in someone's life, the listener's life, [00:34:00] maybe anxiety, maybe depression, maybe regret, maybe anger, maybe alcoholism, drug, all these things you can tell. That God, the Elohim, which is not God's name, that is a spiritual being and God is one of those, but he's not like all the other ones.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: He, he created all those. You can tell that little G God to go throw itself in the ocean and it'll do it when you have the faith in Jesus Christ.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Praise God. You know, Sam, that's so good. I've never heard that before. You know, we, we create our mountains and Jesus, you know, through God can, can throw their mountain into the sea if we just give it to him.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: That's, that's, that's such a great analysis. You know, I've got, I've got on Spiritual Combat. It's gonna be the sequel of this book. It's gonna be coming out just about a year. Hey, your listeners might be interested. I've got Book, you know, I wrote the book on killing. I wrote on combat. Both of them have been still, both of them have been bestsellers in many categories just this year.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: On spiritual combat. But I wrote a, a book, I think I write a kick on, on [00:35:00] hunting. Now, you cannot understand combat, you cannot understand humanity. You cannot understand killing and until you understand hunting and and it's really a lot of fun. This is like the first podcast, maybe second podcast even mentioning this.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You buy it from our website right now. It'll be available on Amazon in, in March, but we, we keep driving on and and, and, and you know, the, the second volume on spiritual warfare. And, and you might see some reference to that in some of my future writing, cuz that that's really a neat Yeah. Insight into it.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: I thank you for, for sharing that. For

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you. I take, take credit for that. It's just kind of been a compilation of those different things. One thing you had mentioned is the generals, how they were told to put their politics in their pocket and put their religion in their pocket. And most people, you know, like, ah, I don't wanna be political.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: In fact, I, I ran into a, a major who I'm trying to, to get 'em to open up a little bit. And we started talking about Covid and he is like, Hey, I don't wanna get political. And it's like, well, it's not political. It's, it's medicine. It's your life and people are doing illegal things to you. [00:36:00] But there's this idea that politics is.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It is only one realm when really it's, I look at it more like the way I look at the world. It's not just how I want the world to be ran, but it's how I, it, it is part of my, not my religion, but my religion is part of my politics because my religion shapes how I view the world and how I think things should be done.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So I can't not have politics. And then when you take all the politics out and then you've got. Like I'll say in 2015, for some reason, I, I had had this thought experiment with this buddy of mine who was a fister field artillery guy. And, and for some reason we were on this con conversation and I told him I really think that if we ever had an unlawful order given to us, like to confiscate all of the firearms in the United States, I think two thirds of the Officer Corps will do it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think one third of the enlisted court will do it. I was dead wrong. 90. 99% of the [00:37:00] officer cor went along. And probably 90% of the enlisted core went along with it

ret LTC Dave Grossman: and, and no accountability. Again, you a look at Afghanistan after 20 years award to just abandon it. And then we've, we are, we're gonna see terrorist attacks.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We gave them an entire nation to fund in, train in, and deploy from 20 years of burning desire for vengeance and 7 billion of military equipment left for these people. It is not a matter if, it's a matter of when. This VAX mandate, this entire generation of general officers can and should be held accountable.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: For, for what's been going on over this period of time. And, and I just prayed that I saw Ronald Reagan. I saw God work a miracle in our nation. I I was there. Ronald Reagan came in. Our military pivoted on a dime. We defeated the Soviet Union by, by simply outspending them. We millions didn't have to die.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: We didn't have to pay a terrible price, thank God. And, and I saw God working miracle and I prayed that somebody will come up. You know, we needed, I can't begin to tell you how bad [00:38:00] Jimmy Carter was, you know, in four years. The Communist took Nicaragua, Mozambique, Ethiopia Angola. We threw the saw and ran to the bus and we gave away the Panama Canal.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: How could one man suit so much harm in four years? Well, we're seeing it right now. It took four years to Jimmy Carter. Give us eight years of Ronald Reagan, and I pray that God has a Reagan for us and there will be accountability for what's been going on here. And we kind of start from the bottom up and, and and.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Filtering our generals through a political filter this left wing dynamic that is, that has just infested them. And again, you and I know this great, honorable Christians and, and patriots, and this system isn't, you know, universal, but there's this persistent trend of selecting people who agree with our politics.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And, and, and that's become an evil dynamic. And you talked about, you know, I, politics is a manifestation of my religion. Well, for the left, Politics is their religion, and they're, they're zealous. They're [00:39:00] absolutely rabid, zealous a about their, their religion. A and that's why it's so dangerous. They will advance everywhere.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: They won't cut any corner. They will cr commit any crime. To advance their religion. Socialism is a, a religion, it's gotta be taken on. Faith has never been proven to work. Their religion is socialism and, and they will fight with all their heart and soul. And we gotta get in the battle and fight back for our nation, for our way of life.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And, and again, our, our, our politics is a manifestation of our religion. And there's no shame in that. That's a beautiful thing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and sir, this will probably be the last thing cause I wanna be very respectful of your time. But I think this is an important thing that I'd love to get your opinion on Moral.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Right, because there's lots, you and I did not ha were given the insight to not get this thing injected into us. However, I have many friends and I, and there's many people in the military and in this nation who have received it and maybe they don't wanna get anymore. Maybe they thought it was good then cuz they were tricked and they were bamboozled by the, the doctor that lied to them, or the politician that lied to them.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But how did they get past that, [00:40:00] that moral injury that they, they vent. And they don't need to do that anymore.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: You know, I, again, it's a great place to end on cause it's what we began on and that's the, that eternal picture, you know, just, just take a minute and look at the big view. God, Jesus really is the great healer.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: you know, the most, the most, the greatest vitamin vitamin J get up every morning, have a dose of vitamin J, you know, and, and people say, how do you keep doing it? 66, you know, driving on energy. It's a conscious decision to wake up every morning, get a shot of vitamin J and and Galatians six, nine, girl, you're not wey, you're doing good.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And the fullest, the time you reap your award. . And so I tell you that, that all things are possible, that God can heal all things. But, but truly, if you find yourself remorseful and, and, and, and angry repentant, whatever it may be, is how you respond to this matter. Hand it over to God. Because the only true healing and the only, the only true achievement is, [00:41:00] is these eternal matters.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: This is all here as kind of a field for us to be able to do our best and, and, and in spiritual warfare, in preparation, whatever God has to call for us afterwards and and, and have faith, I mean, truly, literally have faith in our way of life, have faith in our nation, have faith in our God, the God of our fathers, he will sustain us and carry us through these times.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And we did the best we could in a dark and desperate hour. And we'll just take the rest of this life trying to do better and trying to make up for the harm that we might have done. That's true repentance And and embrace embrace the fact that Jesus has paid the price for our sins and they're separated as far as the East of the West.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: If we, if you know, he is, he's faithful him just for, give us our sins of cleans of all unrighteousness once we identify it and hold it up. For, so I have faith and with every possible way you could use that word, have it and believe in it, and keep doing what you're doing. Sam, you make us proud. You're a great American and you're one of the ones that had courage to stand up in the face of all of this and say, no, [00:42:00] ah, this is not right.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Yeah, and done the research and done the school work. I, I was lucky to have a good friend who was from the very beginning, giving me good information. Without that information, I, I could very well follow, followed a completely different path. And and men like you would bait it possible for us to say, wait a minute, there's more going on here.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: And help us to grow through this tragic time. You know and and think there is hope for this nation still. Praise God.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I just wanna echo what you said. There's, there's forgiveness at the, the foot of Jesus and the whole sheepdog idea we were put here to protect. Even if the flock wants to throw us at the wolves and I can't wait for the day.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I hope it's, I got lots of work to do still, so I hope it's kind of a ways away. But the day when I get there and God says, well done. Good and faithful servant.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: Yes. And that's one of the, one of the memes that I. I, I created a meme and and it's, you know, this, this, this gray muzzle dog at the feet, a nice picture, this gray muzzle [00:43:00] dog at the feet and says, one day the sheep dog will finally rest at the feet of the Great Shepherd. Well Year. Hear those words, well done.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: They're good and faithful servant. Amen.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I did it because there was no other choice. I couldn't not do this. I couldn't lie. Look myself in the mirror and tuck my. In at night and tell them to be brave and courageous and, and, and there's lots of other enlisted NCOs officers who, who don't have the credentials.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Not that that makes me special or anything, you know, it's, it's truly God's blessing that he's put me through med school. Trust me, dyslexia. Found out I had narcolepsy, you know, in Alaska, like God's blessing, right? Dyslexia, the whole deal. But he, he's put me here for this purpose to help encourage others and I truly feel that, yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: second Thessalonians, where it says to speak in a way to help those that are fearful and that has just been driving me through this.

ret LTC Dave Grossman: On that note, [00:44:00] God bless you, Sam. God bless your listeners and God bless.

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