Bobby Parker Sandy Hook

2 years ago

Allegedly this is one of the victims parents who gives a press conference about his departed. You have to be a complete idiot, and I'm not being condecending, but words have meaning, and the term idiot fits. If a person actually believes that this person is a real parent of someone who was shot, who is laughing before going on, and then gets into character so be so upset and dramatic is authentic, then they have swallowed too much bullshit from the media. They are completely brainwashed.

You don't have to have all the facts to call bullshit. Once you see certain things, you know that the rest is bullshit. You can have all the evidence to say that pigs fly, but you know from common sense, that they do not. However, too many people think pigs fly because they have seen videos and people saying that they fly rather than just relying on common sense.

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