Guided By The Signs; Conversations in Stream, March 5th 2023

1 year ago

It's all about Health. How healthy are you Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically?
Work on:

• Clarifying your inner meditation and its relationship with your body's emotional, mental, and physical health.
• Learning to recognise and respond to your intuition
• Exploring ways to express yourself and be confident authentically
• Overcoming worries and fears
• Healing any deeply held past hurts
• Working with energy and release blocks

Practice watching yourself and notice if you are walking your talk and putting it into physical practice allowing yourselves to live it and be it, no longer speaking words to live the opposite.

It's all about alignment with your energy and your frequency. So the cleaner your filter, the better the source of information will be from your body's higher intelligence.

And So It Is


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