Full Moon Virgo' March 2023. The Moon of Health! a Cycle completes. Read Below Post.

1 year ago

Full Moon in Virgo at 16 degrees.

This full moon is bringing forward some big completions. This is symbolic of cycles ending, where we surrender to our healing to prepare for the times ahead. This moon will illuminate where we may need to find more routine and commitment to our health and wellness within and without. We are healing the mind under this full moon, analysing where we have misused our power or not had structure, where we feel inhibited. Insecure and unworthy. This moon will light it up so we can see and dissolve it under this Pisces influence.

This is fascinating; also, to note that the witches (the natural healers) were burnt at the stake in Boston in June 1692, and Saturn was in Virgo at 21 degrees.
There is a timeline here that I’m eluding to—a much bigger picture beyond this lifetime. A collection of karma comes full circle.
Pisces is Virgo’s opposite sign.
Significant Illuminations can be expected under these influences.
Our eyes will be opened! We will see what we need to heal/dissolve and transcend.

This is a moon of Health Healing with a feeling that Cycles are ending once and for all. And New Cycles are preparing to begin. We can not hold back the birthing of the future anymore.
We now surrender to the unknown to heal and strengthen, finding the courage to face and birth the new into an unknown world.

And so it is


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