Evil Deceiver #3: Fake Guru Jason Breshears - Registered Sex Offender

2 years ago

Evil Deceiver #3: Fake Guru Jason Breshears - Registered Sex Offender
Nov 17, 2022
Archaix cult and Archaix critic. Archaix Fraud? Reviewing Jason Breshears Of Archaix:
30 Years In Prison For THIS?
I am back with a highly requested review, this time from the truther community. Jason Breshears from Archaix has been around for a minute and yet there are so many red fl-a-gs popping up right away.
Not only does his prison sentence make no sense the way he has described it, but there are also other inconsistencies in his life story. In addition, his logo, name and other details all scream to be reviewed, as they add to another layer of the hypnosis game. #archaix #archaixfraud Used under Fair Use Copyright Law for educational and amusement purposes.
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Seriously Though, Jason Breshears Sick and Demonic Tattoos. Disturbing.
Jan 3, 2023
You want this Wacko as your Guru?
We need an expert in demonology to break this down ,I have more questions than answers atm.
Archaix for Christians: Missing Events of the Bible and How Archaix Serves to Fill Them
36,321 views • Streamed live on Feb 24, 2023
The biblical texts contain the signatures to an arcanum known in the ancient world but forgotten over millennia. Archaix serves to fill the gaps of silence in the biblical timeline, identify the source materials from the ancient world that passages and whole biblical texts derived their content from and the Archaix model of our reality and immortalhood serves to reveal that the Word is real, that attackers have added to it but the integrity of the message to the world from the Oversoul is preserved intact in the words of Jesus. Modern Christianity offers a heaven of no details, but in Archaix the picture has been made clearer about who we are and where we are going.
Archaix / Jason Breshears: Discord Breakthroughs: Mandela Effect & Manifesting
40,300 views Feb 26, 2023
WARNING: Rated R for a few reasons. Tonight in the Discord group chat we had some breakthroughs- total new way of looking at Mandela Effect and consciously creating realities we want to experience. Long videos like this may have poorer visual quality but the discussion was explosive.

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