The World Is Run By Criminals!- Brannon Howse & 5G expert Mark Steele

1 year ago

Source: The Zelenko Report with Ann Vandersteel

First half is Brannon Howse and the second half is 5G expert Mark Steel.
The District of Corruption has been bought and paid for by the cartels. And they serve the demonic agenda of the World Economic Forum.
- US Congressman (Florida) Bill Posey Dec 10th 2020 email to the Inspector General who over sees the CIA asking if he has investigated the connection between DOMINION VOTING MACHINES and the CIA and lays out the problem including SMART-MATIC.

Congressman Bill Posey's email to the Inspector General on December 10th 2020

1984 Jesse Helms accuses the CIA of rigged elections and putting in socialists into power in El Salvador.

December 22nd 1963- Former US President Harry Truman writes an OP ED regretting creating the CIA exactly a month after the JFK assassination.

There is NO POINT in having elections if the voting system is compromised.

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