Situation Update, 3/1/23

1 year ago

Situation Update, 3/1/23 - Lawsuit filed against EPA

Situation Update, Mar 1, 2023 - Lawsuit filed against EPA as America awakens to the horrifying CHEMICAL COVER-UP in Ohio
0:00 Intro
5:26 Covid Myth
12:30 Greenhouses Shutdown
23:35 Rubik's Cube
34:48 Infowars
54:31 Interview with Hope Girl Couple

- Interview segment from InfoWars featuring Brian Festa and Eric Coppolino
- More train wreck chemical injuries emerging
- Major lawsuit filed against the EPA for its cover-up over dioxins and train wreck chemicals
- Kristen Megan calls in with breaking news about heavy metals contamination from burning rail cars
- Coppolino repeats calls for evacuation from East Palestine until widespread testing conducted
- EPA put on notice: Start testing for dioxins or face a flood of civil and criminal lawsuits
- EPA whistleblower to be interviewed by Mike Adams
- Health Ranger solves the Rubik's Cube, demonstrating F2L algorithm on camera
- Top ten DEBUNKED covid myths pushed by the establishment in the name of "science"
- Interview with Hope Girl couple about electropollution and solutions for health

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