Daily Chess play - 1337 - Time Management issues showing its ugly face again

1 year ago

First game, Even game until c3 pawn take by my Rook, move 36. This opens up my Queen to check his King and start taking pawns. He runs out his clock.

Second game, Even game until I blunder my Rook on f7 haha... The time crunch was getting to me. I run out of time soon after that.

Third game, Even game but I move in for checkmate with Queen on f6, move 35. He had to sacrifice his Queen to delay the win but resigns soon after that.

I guess I am instinctively trying to be more careful because the time is just flying by without me noticing. Causing me issues down the road but at least I am getting there with equal pieces. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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