Radical Brave New World

1 year ago

In this Emerging Global Realities video, we document current and emerging new technology in the downtown area of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This infrastructure could be in any urban area worldwide.

We are in the mid stages of the technocratic transformation as shown by increasing deployment of the network infrastructure.

As the network grid expands and activates, we are measuring increasing EMF radiation levels. It is important to understand that presently we are only dealing with 4G/5G microwave, and that next year the 5G millimeter wave will be activated on the 5G infrastructure with a frequency range of 24 to 100 GHz. The current frequency ranges from 0.60 to 3.8 GHz.

In today's video, we document meter measurements of 6.0 V/m peak signal (meter maxed out) and in excess of 66,000 uW/m2 power output. The safe levels are below 0.50 V/m peak signal and 1,000 uW/m2 power output (BioIniative and Building Biology).

These deployments and the transformation itself is all about profit, power, and control via digitalization, artificial intelligence, big data, surveillance... It has nothing to do with the overall well-being of the people themselves. And it should be noted that the transformation is being pushed on people in mass without public dialogue, consent, and approval via the multi-controlled political establishment.

In an ideal world, technology any technology should be only deployed in mass if there is indisputable benefit to people, and with the consent and approval of people. The reverse is occurring through detached globalists.

The dramatic, radical transformation underway will make society unrecognizable and have profound impacts on people in terms of employment, health, psychological, lifestyle, purpose...

Here is additional information on EMF radiation exposure:

EMF Radiation Government Standards:


EMF Radiation Meter Readings and Corresponding Biological Effects:



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