The Multiverse Corrugated Universe Space Time Continuum

1 year ago

The Multiverse, The Corrugated Universe & The Space Time Continuum

About this Video Article:
[Cerebral] This post was a “Thinking Out Loud” thought process that is intended only as a reference for some of my thoughts at the time. It is Cerebral in nature and should be considered as such.

This Article is being turned into a Video Article in 2023 and will be included in the “2015 Flashback Video Article Playlist” for posterity - While the Article could be completely rewritten to better communicate some of the points within, it is being created and included the way it was written (with some minor edits), primarily to preserve it, and to convey the thought process I was going through at the time it was written, and obviously, I had not come to the conclusions and realizations that I have now come to

The Multiverse, The Corrugated Universe & The Space Time Continuum
November 26th 2015

What I am trying to say about the universe being corrugated:

When looking into the "voids" between large galactic clusters, there is without a doubt that these voids are not only real but really are devoid of anything at all - as in nothing - there is absolutely no matter in these voids - they are empty beyond compare

So, these voids are the multiverse itself

When looking at the galaxy, at the heart of the galaxy is the opposite of empty - its the most dense structure in the universe - the supermassive black hole

Within this supermassive black hole is the door way to a new universe - if you go through the supermassive black hole you will come out of a wormhole in the new universe

This new universe will function identically to our own, with its own space and galactic clusters and voids - and its own timeline

These voids are the dense dark energy - if the galaxy is state 4 of the dark energy field - and state 3 is the large voids between all else... state 2 is the wormhole and state 1 is also state 0 and they are tied to each other, than state 3 is the Multiverse!

So, the barrier between universes is emptiness itself!

But this is not correct because "emptiness" is not nothing - we know that!

State 3 of the Dark Energy Field is the heaviest densities of dark energy and therefore is connected to all other State 3

Energy/Matter rapidly evaporating or decaying before it can truly enter this boundary - therefore can never actually be in this boundary

This is the pushing force state 3 has on large enough matter, it will actually push on matter harder because if matter tries to enter this space - it will instantly start decaying faster on the side facing the void and this decay will literally push matter away!

the deep voids of dark energy really do push on matter - and if a galaxy gets too close the rapid decay will literally act as a cushion, a buffer and a repellent - "The Void" will repel the galaxy away from itself

In this idea, you could connect universes, or travel through universe within any part of the 3rd state of the Dark Energy Field

Just like if you rise fast enough out of earth's magnetic field to teleport to another planet, you can smash into the 3rd state of the Dark Energy Field - the Void - you can smash into the void hard enough that you can teleport pretty much anywhere in any universe...

The Void IS The Multiverse!

Orion Michael Guy

Edit 2023: To sum up what I think I am trying to say in this Article; The Structure of the Universe has 10 Distinct Densities, or “Dimensions,” - But... While each Universe could have a “Universe Underneath it” - that Universe could actually still be “In this Universe...”

Basically - when you think of the “Corrugated Universe” And you think of “Worm Holes” connecting one Universe to another, as in a “hole in space connecting one part of space to another part of space...”

The idea is that even though there is a “Dimensional Shift” at the center of the Core of the Black Hole, and inside this new Dimension, there is a new “Space Time Continuum,” there could be a possibility that this new “Space Time Continuum” actually leads to another part of “THIS Universe”

The point is that; The Voids, the deepest points in space, could in-fact actually be the 11th Dimension...

Now, this gets so complicated, so fast, so I will not elaborate too much about this, but imagine; each Galaxy is a 10 Dimensional Universe, and the 11th Dimension is actually the Void. So Each Universe, (which is actually a Galaxy, in this thought experiment,) is “within the 11th Dimension” and from our perspective, this “11th Dimension” is actually the Voids...

Does that make sense? What I am trying to say, is that everything could in-fact be in this “Universe,” or “Universal Plane” - but that each Galactic Universe is separate and divided by the Voids... In essence meaning that each 10 Dimensional Galactic Universe, is within the 11th Dimension, or the Voids...

Again, this is a Cerebral Thought Experiment, and is just one of the “Stepping Stone” Articles - cont.

Orion Michael Guy

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