Creative Society. Questions and Answers

1 year ago

How to find a way out of the endless crises of the consumerist format of society? How to get out of contrived delusions? How to change the situation in the world? How can we all come to an agreement and find a solution acceptable for all? A new world order: a single world government or united world management? How to unite? Limitation of wealth: what are its benefits for ordinary people, professionals, officials, oligarchs, rulers and others? How to build a safe world and maintain comfortable living conditions for every person? How to build the Creative Society and enter the era of a united human civilization? How will people live in the Creative Society?

#CreativeSociety #SafeWorld #NewWorldOrder

Official website of the CREATIVE SOCIETY project:

"Creative Society":

"Creative Society Unites Everyone":

"Creative Society: the Prospect of Civilization":

"Benefits for a Human in the Creative Society":

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