🐈 All Cat Breeds A-Z With Pictures! (all 98 breeds in the world)

1 year ago

#cats #catsloves #catslove #love #TOP10
👉 Wanna see all cat breeds a-z with pictures? List of all 98 breeds in the world gives you an incredible insight into the world of cat breedsAll cat breeds a-z with pictures provide you full insight into all 98 breeds in the world.
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All cat breeds that start with A:
1. Abyssinian.
2. Aegean.
3. American Bobtail.
4. American Curl.
5. American Ringtail.
6. American Shorthair.
7. American Wirehair.
8. Aphrodite Giant.
9. Arabian Mau.
10. Asian Cat.
11. Asian Semi-longhair.
12. Australian Mist.

All cat breeds that start with B:
13. Balinese.
14. Bambino.
15. Bengal.
16. Birman.
17. Bombay.
18. Brazilian Shorthair.
19. British Longhair.
20. British Shorthair.
21. Burmese.
22. Burmilla.

All cat breeds that start with C:
23. California Spangled.
24. Chantilly-Tiffany - Chantilly.
25. Chartreux.
26. Chausie.
27. Colorpoint Shorthair.
28. Cornish Rex.
29. Cymric, Manx Longhair or Long-haired Manx.
30. Cyprus.

All cat breeds that start with D:
31. Devon Rex.
32. Donskoy or Don Sphynx Dragon Li or Chinese Li Hua Dwelf.

All cat breeds that start with E:
33. Egyptian Mau.
34. European or Celtic Shorthair.
35. Exotic Shorthair.

All cat breeds that start with F:
36. Foldex.

All cat breeds that start with G:
37. German Rex.

All cat breeds that start with H:
38. Havana Brown.
39. Highlander.
40. Himalayan or Colorpoint Persian.

All cat breeds that start with J:
41. Japanese Bobtail.
42. Javanese or Colorpoint Longhair.

All cat breeds that start with K:
43. Kanaani.
44. Khao Manee - Khao Manee.
45. Kinkalow.
46. Korat.
47. Korean Bobtail.
48. Korn Ja Kurilian Bobtail or Kuril Islands Bobtail Lambkin - Kurilian Bobtail Cat.

All cat breeds that start with L:
49. LaPerm.
50. Lykoi.

All cat breeds that start with M:
51. Maine Coon.
52. Manx.
53. Mekong Bobtail.
54. Minskin.
55. Napoleon.
56. Munchkin.

All cat breeds that start with N:
57. Nebelung.
58. Norwegian Forest Cat.

All cat breeds that start with O:
59. Ocicat.
60. Ojos Azules.
61. Oregon Rex.
62. Oriental Bicolor.
63. Oriental Longhair.
64. Oriental Shorthair.

All cat breeds that start with P:
65. Persian.
66. Peterbald.
67. Pixie-bob.

All cat breeds that start with R:
68. Ragamuffin or Liebling.
69. Ragdoll.
70. Raas.
71. Russian Blue.
72. Russian White.
73. Russian Black.
74. Russian Tabby.

All cat breeds that start with S:
75. Sam Sawet.
76. Savannah.
77. Scottish Fold.
78. Selkirk Rex.
79. Serengeti.
80. Serrade Petit.
81. Siamese.
82. Siberian or Siberian Forest Cat; Neva Masquerade.
83. Singapura.
84. Snowshoe.
85. Sokoke.
86. Somali.
87. Sphynx.
88. Suphalak.

All cat breeds that start with T:
89. Thai or Traditional, Classic, or Old-style Siamese; Wichien Maat.
90. Thai Lilac, Thai Blue Point and Thai Lilac Point.
91. Tonkinese.
92. Toyger.
93. Turkish Angora.
94. Turkish Van.
95. Turkish Vankedisi.

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