Jab Induced Sterility

1 year ago

The mass jabbing of virtually the entire population of the world was not just meant to be a dry run for the next big event. It was more than a mass kill event, despite the fact that a mass kill event has occurred. The plans of the elites are not to kill in the thousands or even millions. It is to kill in the billions. Anyone that studies war or pandemics understands that despite the most horrific of these events, only a minute portion of the population succumb to its effects. To kill off the vast majority of the population as these monsters are planning, they need something more. This video details how "vaccines" have been used to sterilize large numbers of woman. This combined with processed foods that reduce the reproductive health of men could easily be another critical piece of the plan to eliminate the population. You don't have to kill everyone. If you can eliminate most pregnancy and births, then you have the same effect over time. This is hideous that anyone could think they could tamper with humanity in this manner. How do you stop the process? What keeps the decline from continuing to total extinction? Is it some sort of belief that technology will save them? The whole artificial womb technology that has been in the news recently comes to mind. The whole thing with these technologies are. If you create it to take care of you, you will become dependent on it. If it becomes a self aware entity as is predicted, how long will it want to just create a lavish existence for these people? Will these people quickly evolve into the Eloi from HG Well's The Time Machine. Given everything, so they become child like and unable to take care of themselves. Worse yet, the technology sees no further need for such a worthless, self centered existence. An existence that is only focused on narcissism and personal pleasure. With these creatures only taking the resources and not producing anything of value will the technology see these people as "useless eaters" and finish the job of depopulation.

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