here we go health canada

1 year ago

Hey, #youtubefamily🧡🧡🧡 #poppabearcrew #ogfollowers and of course #greenthumbgrowbears WHATS UP,

In today's live I ask you all... "okay health Canada, why?"
To bring you upto speed (no pun intended you'll understand why in a moment) heal Canada has allowed ADASTRA (SP SORRY) to produce that Peruvian candy that shall go unnamed for obvious reasons.

Let's see what y'all have to say.

@dthebudguy 👈🐻 awesome guy and great grower check him out, very insightful guy too.
@big_cdn_poppa_bear 👈🐻 My dad so family obligations, lol 😜 but in all honesty awesome guy go check him out too

#BIGSHOUTOUTS to everyone in the chats for being so active today especially
@killabeegrow @jason_minion_ @thechurchofpeterborough for their insight in the topic today.

As always,
PoppaBear 🤘 🐻 🤙

follow me on IG

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