Faster Loading Mobile Sites

1 year ago

You may have also heard over the years, you have to optimize your mobile site. This is now the most important thing for your own website. It's to the point where I don't care if your desktop is optimized as a web designer. I care if your mobile site is optimized.

What does that mean?

If you're using a slider, stop. Stop today. Get it off your website. That will slow your website down. Other things that are super important are your images. This is why I went down the rabbit hole of SVG images, which you might have seen some posts on that. Canva does this. I love Canva. If you're using graphics that are not photographs, you can put them into Canva, whether it's a JPEG or PNG or whatever it is, and you can then save that out of Canva as an SVG file. That stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. On the sites that I'm working on now, I am encouraging owners to stop using huge photographs and start using graphics created in a program like Canva. They don't have to use that use whatever But because we can save those as an SVG file and they load like that, versus waiting for the picture to show up,
that is going to help our mobile indexing.

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