The Heritage Belfast Castle 🏰

1 year ago

Belfast Castle (Irish: Caisleán Bhéal Feirste[2][3]) is a mansion located in Cave Hill Country Park in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in a prominent position 400 feet (120 m) above sea level. Its location provides unobstructed views over the City of Belfast and Belfast Lough.[3][4][5] There have been several different structures called 'Belfast Castle' over the centuries, located on different sites.[6] The current 'castle' is a Victorian structure, built between 1867 and 1870 on the slopes of Cave Hill, and is listed as being Grade B+.[1][7][8] The main entrance into the Belfast Castle Demesne is now where Innisfayle Park meets Downview Park West, just off the Antrim Road (part of the A6). The original main entrance into the current demesne was formerly on the Antrim Road itself, where Strathmore Park now meets the Antrim Road.[9]

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