Earthly and heavenly Legislation... Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts revealed through Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts Volume 1-013
Jesus elucidates... Earthly and heavenly Legislation – May 28th, 1840

The Lord says...

1. Through the following I will give you a drop of wisdom – enjoyable to you finite creatures through My eternal love. For as God, I have no other children than the sole and eternal word within Me, which is the sole Son, in whom I am well pleased. But in the Son I am also your Father, and I am pleased with you, if you have received My dear Son in you, and together with Him also My sanctification through Him!

2. But this drop of wisdom falls on the hot sand of the desolate earth, since you might be able to enrich your knowledge with it, but you are unable to act accordingly, which however is the main point – Since only the deed, but never the mere knowledge brings the eternal life.

3. Look at all your political ‘laws’ , which are based on nothing but falsehood and on the evil of self-love, which has divided the earth with border stones, and on all of them is written ‘Mine’, but never ‘Yours’ – and from these fallacies often arise your transgressions, because of which many illegal laws had to be invented, which must secure everyone’s imagined possessions by force, with outrageous punishments, yes even with death – even though I have created the earth, the air, the water, as well as the rain and the rays of of the sun for everyone, and no one has been privileged by Me.

4. But now, the earth is carefully measured out like hell, since everybody has their particular spot, which they are unable to leave. Consequently, only an appropriate legislation, and thus only similar punishments can be put into place to contain evil. And so, the punishments, if they match the evil, cannot be anything else but ‘legal’, if you look at it from hell, and I tell you, everything is taken word by word out of there! The border stones, the laws, as well as the punishments.

5. Look, it is difficult to give advice from the heavens under such circumstances, where one has everything for everyone, and everyone has everything for one, out of love – that which the gospel teaches you, as it is written, you shall give a skirt in addition to the demanded coat, and so avoiding all conflicts. If everyone would do so, like in the heavens, then no more laws from hell would be necessary, for no one would actually own anything, and would thus remain free of every theft and robbery.

6. And so, I have shown you in short, how things are at the moment. Because of this you shall not draw your heavenly Father into the litigations of hell, and thus hurt his forbearance and great patience in the face of such atrocities and iniquities, especially because I already stand armed at the door, to thunder the final legal decision across the earth, so that all this rubbish from hell will be thrown to the place, where its author has already established his eternal abode a long time ago.

7. Take My words to heart and act accordingly out of love, and it will become apparent one day, how much gold will be found in the rubbish of hell! – Amen.

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