Upgrading my PC

2 years ago

Hey everyone. This video did not turn out as well as I had hoped. There are two main problems with this video,. First off ,we didn't ahve any audio from the mic for a lot of it for some reason. We had to rely on super quiet and generally bad audio from the mic for quite a bit of this video. Second off, this PC is the one that I use to record. My capture card is in it, so I couldn't capture a lot of the set up process properly. We went with a camera pointed at the screen, which is never idea. I promise the two other PC build videos I have to work on will be better than this. Having said that, I decided to put my new processor through the paces by rendeirng this video in 4k and 60 FPS.

In this video, my dad and I ugrade my PC with a new motherboard and a new processor. I went from an MSI X470 gaming pro motherboard and Ryzen 7 3800x processor to an Asrock X570 Steel Legend motherboard to a Ryzen 7 5900X processor. I am very happy with it so far,. This processor has been great. There are two more PC build videos coming before we get back to Gears of War 3. I hoipe you are looking forward to them, and I hope you enjoyed this video. Thanks for watching.

Personal Twitter: @fsmetal
Gaming twitter: @Dionysos19852

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