Steve Bannon at CPAC: "The storm is here. This is the most dangerous time in world history..."

1 year ago

Steve Bannon at CPAC: "The storm is here. This is the most dangerous time in world history..."

Bannon added, "this is how you get $32 trillion in debt, this is how you get on battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, that’s how you do it, and we’re not going to have it anymore.

"Donald J Trump is not simply a leader of a political party. He is not a politician. He is a leader of the most powerful political movement in American history.

MAGA, MAGA, MAGA," Bannon concluded, telling the audience "If your task and purpose is to take your country back, this country will be saved."

During his speech, Bannon said that this current time is the "most dangerous time in world history since the late 1930s, early 1940s."

This dangerous time, Bannon said, was the "convergence of two crises, a crises of capital markets and economics and a crisis of geopolitical and military and they are converging very rapidly."

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