What is Black Cube Worship and The New World Order

1 year ago

Amos37 does not represent all of the views and ideas presented in this video from the Twitter account of Nick Hinton (@nickhinton), and their appearance on this channel does not imply any endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

This week I am covering another Twitter conspiracy thread, this time pertaining to Black Cubes being a symbol of modern-day Saturn worship and all that this implies. Parts 1 & 2 here cover 6 Twitter threads covering the second half of Mr. Hinton's writing on the matter. I am covering this topic for those who don't know because it came up in my Super Mario 64 Is a Digital Illuminati Ritual??? video but I had no idea what it was referring to at the time. So I started to look into the subject, and a few people on Reddit that saw the Super Mario 64 video had the same question, so here we are. I hope you all enjoy and if these kinds of videos continue to get a good response, I will keep making them.

A Conspiracy Thread: the Saturn Time Cube
By Twitter User @nickhinton

Subject: Saturn Worship, New World Order

Narration by Dr. Wyrm

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