Whole Lot Of Distractions Goin' On

1 year ago

Does it seem like there are a lot things happening that should dominate our news cycle, but doesn't?
While those in the country are hearing about climate change, UFOs and balloons there was a major chemical spill in the small town of East Palestine that those in Washington DC ignored until recently. And there was a major spiritual awakening that started in yet another small town of Wilmore, Kentucky that is spreading like wild fire across America and even around the globe, but those same legacy news media outlets couldn't care less about it.
In this video we'll talk about the distractions that are tantamount to a magician using the art of deception to disguise what he's really doing. And we'll talk about the things that are really important as the sparks of revival started at Asbury University may very well be the start of the Great Awakening prophesied by so many.

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