Modern Bibles whisper perverse things; Reproving BlessedHope117

1 year ago

Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 New International Version


Whatsoever (What is ETERNAL) ye do (you all do) DO all for the glory of God!

1 Corinthians 10:31 King James Bible

2 Corinthians 4:18
King James Version
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

John 4:24
King James Version
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

1 Corinthians 2:14-15

King James Version

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

Galatians 5:9
“A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”

King James Version (KJV)

Disclaimer/Background: I honestly have no idea why BlessedHope117 would isolate this scripture out of context and focus on the word 'WHATEVER' from a perverted Bible translation, most likely NIV. But it must be called out.
I had - past tense - been a subscriber to BlessedHope117's YouTube Channel for a few weeks because of her beautiful testimonies and strong support for the Pre Tribulation Rapture. In fact I subscribed when her channel came up on my YouTube as a recommendation. I watched her give a beautiful testimony of encouragement for the soon coming Rapture of the Church.

There is no doubt she loves the Lord and is a strong encourager for the Saints as we await our blessed hope. I am concerned that she posts scripture on her channel from perverted bible translations that distort the truth and her mixed up doctrine for salvation that sends a confusing message to those who are lost.

I sent her the correct King James Bible translation on a previous post she made and lovingly told her that translations make a huge difference.

A few days later, she had posted the above post of 1 Corinthians 10:31 using a perverted translation probably the NIV which severely distorts the truth. (Note: All modern bible translations use the word WHATEVER.

Only the King James Bible uses Whatsoever which does NOT mean WHATEVER in its truest definition within the context of this scripture.

See notes below where she also mixes up salvation and adds to the Gospel, deleting 1 Corinthians 15:1,2, and puts in the ABC formula calling on the name Jesus to be saved. Simply by stating you're saved if you believe the Gospel is NOT what the Gospel states.

For several days I pondered on whether I should Blog this, but I haven't been able to move on until this is addressed.

A third-grade child can understand that "whatever you do, do" means: "anything without boundaries" without restraint and frankly is blasphemous and a mockery taken out of context.

To add they can do "whatever" to God's glory adds a "demonic" entitlement of God's acceptance.

If you don't understand this, perhaps you will understand that the literal meaning of the word WHATEVER means: "no matter what" and is used to emphasize that something is always true. If this seems foreign to you, I will pray God open your eyes. I urge you to thoroughly read this entire study to hopefully gain a full understanding of what's going on here.

What BlessedHope is unwittingly doing is no different than Eve being beguiled by the same serpent. I pray for her now. Amen!

1 Corinthians 10:31

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

King James Version (KJV

Compare for yourself!

Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.


Whatsoever (What =That Which Is Forever - Eternal) ye do, do all for the glory of God!

Ask yourself, which gives you a deeper truth?

THAT WHICH IS FOREVER - ETERNAL ye do, DO all for the glory of God.

Now, let's look at the complete verse 31:

In any case of eating or drinking (in the context the Lord's Supper), if so, ALWAYS, on any occasion and by all means, that which is forever DO ALL for the Glory of God.

Whatsoever (What is ETERNAL) ye do, DO (on any occasion and by all means) all for the glory of God!

THIS SCRIPTURE DOES NOT MEAN: WHATEVER (do anything at all, all of, no matter what) TO THE GLORY OF GOD. God Forbid!

Meaning of "whatever" = "what in the world," emphatic of what, with ever. From late 14c. as "anything at all; all of; no matter what

Here is the motto of the Satanist: DO AS THOU WILT.


2 Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

King James Version (KJV)

See my study on what the real meaning of STUDY is and how to study the King James Bible

The Ploughboy who Studies his KING JAMES BIBLE (

Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (

THE BIBLE TRANSLATIONS TODAY ARE ROTTEN TO THE CORE. THE NIV IS PUTRID BUT HERE'S THE MESSAGE. Here is what they write in 1 Corinthians 10:31 at least they understand that the context is in the Lord's Supper (somewhat).


So eat your meals heartily, not worrying about what others say about you—you’re eating to God’s glory, after all, not to please them. As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God’s glory. At the same time, don’t be callous in your exercise of freedom, thoughtlessly stepping on the toes of those who aren’t as free as you are. I try my best to be considerate of everyone’s feelings in all these matters; I hope you will be, too.


WARNING: God's word is strong that anyone who changes God's word, adds to removes from His word will be cursed and judged accordingly. Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, 2 Corinthians 4:2, Revelation 22:18 KJB.

But what about what seems to be small "insignificant" changes? The Word of God states that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Read it for yourselves. Galatians 5:9 KJB.

Knowing that she and her kind are headstrong and believe that Bible Translations are ALL God's word, I am compelled to call her and her kind out and to teach Christians that TRANSLATIONS DO MATTER.

Why the King James Bible Only?

The True History of the King James Bible - all modern Bible Translations are Satanic (

I plead with the Reader of this Blog and the viewer of the Video to read and pray over my Study on Bible Translations really matter.

Why would the modern Bibles basically say that ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, (although God breathed is not the same as given by inspiration) and is profitable (useful is very different from profitable) for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16 and then why is it that only the King James Bible states in Psalm 12:6, and 7 that God will keep and preserve His words forever? The modern Bibles state that verse 7 will keep the needy safe.

* I will be focusing mostly on the NIV since the latest poll shows the NIV as the popular Bible Translation

Rankings as of March 2022 (numbers in parentheses are June 2021 rankings).

New International Version (NIV) (1)
New Living Translation (4)
English Standard Version (ESV) (3)
King James Version (KJV) (2)
Christian Standard Bible (CSB) (5)
New King James Version (NKJV) (6)
Reina Valera (RV) (7)
New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) (8)
The Message (Message) (9)
New American Standard (NASB) (not ranked)

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: King James Bible 2 Timothy 3:16

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, NIV 2 Timothy 3:16

And the words of the Lord are flawless,
like silver purified in a crucible,;
like gold[a] refined seven times.

7 You, Lord, will keep the needy safe
and will protect us forever from the wicked, NIV Psalm 12:6,7.

The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. King James Bible Psalm 12:6,7.

Or why would the modern Bibles switch The Devil for Jesus Christ. Read and compare Isaiah 14:12 NIV - KJV Revelation 22:16 NIV - KJV.

I urge the reader to find the literally thousands of other significant errors and perversions of the modern Bible Translations.

The truth is the modern Bible translations took most of their work directly from the King James Bible. Research this for yourselves. I just had some moron (medical definition of someone who is "willfully" ignorant to the facts, write and tell me that it was the King James that copied modern translation manuscripts. You can't make this up.

Today, all modern bible scholars are taught to use modern bible translations.

See how Dr. Andy Woods completely destroyed Luke Chapter 17 in his otherwise wonderful study of the COMING KINGDOM by using a perverted Bible Translation.

And the greatest IRONY of all IRONIES: THE PARABLE OF THE LEAVEN is the end of this age and Dr. Woods' work exposed this in the Matthew 13 Kingdom Parables.

Christians have to understand The Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 KJV (

See the Study on the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 Study.

Manna - Leaven; The Paradigm of False Teachers (

John MacArthur - Putting Himself on Report with LEAVEN (

This is what we are seeing with this fake REVIVAL bringing in the Kingdom of The Antichrist. They all use MODERN BIBLE TRANSLATIONS. See my study of the 1971 THE WAY Bible when I was told by my church that A NEW BETTER TRANSLATION FOR TEENS WAS IN PRINT.

Time to Talk about The Asbury Revival (

Asbury Revival Pt 2: The Jesus Revolution from the 1970's REBORN (

"He Gets Us" Agenda is Preaching another Jesus, another Gospel #End Times Apostasy (

The meaning of "Whatsoever" in the context of 1 Corinthians 10:31 King James Bible

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

See my study in notes below on how to study your King James Bible using solid biblical hermeneutics. You do NOT have to be a graduate of an apostate seminary or school of divinity. See my study on how a ploughboy studies God's word.

The Ploughboy who Studies his KING JAMES BIBLE (

Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (

The basic key is CONTEXT, GRAMMAR, and HARMONIZING scripture with scripture.

1. Context: In 1 Corinthians chapter 10 Paul is talking about ancient Israel and how we are to look at their failures as an example. Specifically, the communion of the ancient covenant of provision of food and drink in the wilderness and how we are not to engage with idolatry as did ancient Israel. Paul then connects the Communion - The Lord's supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-267) and addressing the Corinthian's concerns regarding food offered to idols. The key word as we come into verse 31 is THOSE TO WHOM participate in The Lord's Supper - Communion must do ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD! Knowing that any and all other forms of religious communion is forbidden and profane.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

2. Grammar:

parsing this scripture (focus on "or" "whatever").

31 Whether <1535> <ειτε> therefore <3767> <ουν> ye eat <2068> <εσθιετε>, or <1535> <ειτε> drink <4095> <πινετε>, or <1535> <ειτε> whatsoever <5100> <τι> ye do <4160> <ποιειτε>, do <4160> <ποιειτε> all <3956> <παντα> to <1519> <εις> the glory <1391> <δοξαν> of God <2316> <θεου>.


OR part of speech conjunction meaning inasmuch - if so be that. In the King James is critical because it is introducing an explanation of the preceding phrase which is within the context of 1 Corinthians chapter 10 The Lord's Supper - Communion for the church and also addressing food offered at pagan altars by the Greeks. The KJV translates Strong's G1489 from OR G1535 in the following manner: if so be that.

Meaning of Whatsoever Strongs G5100 ◄ 5100. tis ►

wherewith, whom - WHOSOEVER - ANYONE when applied to a person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd singular or plural as the verb "to be" as an auxiliary verb.

Strong's Concordance
tis: a certain one, someone, anyone Original Word: τις, τι
whatever - thing in the context of 1 Corinthians 10:31
Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun
Transliteration: tis
Phonetic Spelling: (tis)

Go further down to see the Greek translation comes from a Pronoun that was translated into English as "What (soever). This is a huge clue that brings me to the Oxford English Dictionary. Focus on breaking down whatsoever into its two parts: what (soever).
Word Origin
a prim. enclitic indef. pronoun

a clitic that is associated with a preceding word ("being before," preceding usually implies being immediately before in time or in place.)

An enclitic indefinite pronoun; some or any person or object -- a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all), certain (thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, + partly, some (man, -body, - thing, -what), (+ that no-)thing, what (-soever), X wherewith, whom (-soever), whose (-soever).

G5100 Strongs

COMPARE WITH G3745 -Orign: G3739 - PRIMARY WORD - G3588 = DEFINITE Pronoun in a Sense: Whatsoever - Whatsoever, Whosoever all that, the more, what, things, all they that, many as. Infections from Definite article G3588 The, This, That, One, It. See further examples in scripture as given in Colossians 3:17,23 below.

Indefinite pronouns are pronouns that are used to refer to someone or something in a general way, without being specific about whom or what you’re referring to.

Note: Whatsoever is Relative Pronoun identified as an Indefinite pronoun because their antecedents are not definite. Example: Whatsoever Ye (1 Corinthians 10:31) means which of you (in general, nonspecifically identifying an individual or group but general among a group of people.) Definite: The man in the crowd. Indefinite: A man in the crowd.

Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns are another class of pronouns. They connect relative clauses to independent clauses. Often, they introduce additional information about something mentioned in the sentence. Relative pronouns include these words:


Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns ending in ever are called indefinite relative pronouns since their antecedents are not definite.
Demonstrative, Indefinite, Relative, and Reflexive Pronouns (
Remember how we mentioned that in order to use a pronoun, you need to introduce the noun first? That noun has a name: an antecedent.

My family tests my patience, but I love them.

The sign was too far away for Jorge to read it.
Danita said she is almost finished with the application.
A cataphoric reference happens when a pronoun, word or phrase refers to a noun mentioned later in the writing or the conversation.

This is my family.

This (pronoun) family (cataphoric reference to demonstrative pronoun "This".) = This family here is identified as my family.

Whatsoever (indefinite relative pronoun) Ye (cataphoric reference to Who/whom ever you're addressing) = Those of you whomever you are.

Note: Don't assume, do not be deceived by modern so-called preachers, teachers using modern bibles trained by apostate seminaries, that the word whatever is the preferred and modern translation for whatsoever. That "whatever" means in everything. Or that Strongs Concordance by itself with perverted bible commentary explains the meaning of scripture.

Sadly as my brother Dr. Hinton often says, as we decline as a culture the most obvious is language and music. Going to the Greek is helpful, but we must as good Bible students know the meaning of the English word. In my study link on how I study the King James Bible I go into this in great detail with examples showing how often Greek scholars or Hebrew scholars or even self-anointed teachers like Amir Tsarfati will tell you that unless you speak Hebrew you are unable to understand the bible.

Get a the Oxford English Dictionary hardcopy, used for as little as $100. with a King James Bible and study the words and use Strongs Concordance, Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, Commentary as tools but do not use them as your sole source.

Here is the definition of Whatsoever in the Oxford English Dictionary and it's uses to show the different meanings that do NOT mean in everything.

Oxford Dictionary page 3749

Whatsoever: Original meaning: two words whatso and ever. Soever.

Whatso - what = Of a thing. That which is. That which as used in the context of a clause as in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Oxford English dictionary page

page 2904 Whatsoever: Whatso ever Soever:

Sover = Whenever used with "what" for emphatic force. Forever, Always, Ever, ETERNAL, throughout all time, perpetually.

So= in the manner described - of that. Oxford page 2898.

Ever = throughout all time. Eternal. Perpetual. Oxford page 907.

Whatsoever = That which is Eternal. That which is Forever. This happens to be a profoundly spiritual word. No wonder the modern perverted language hates this so much.


Whatever =

what in the world," emphatic of what, with ever. From late 14c. as "anything at all; all of; no matter what

To further prove the absurdity of modern bible scholars saying Whatsoever is archaic and has been replaced exclusively with "whatever" - then explain this:
Whatsoever in the context of the verb "to be" used as an auxiliary means: WHOSOEVER.

We see that IF whatsoever refers to a person or God, it means: Whomsoever, WHOEVER, NO MATTER WHO . Examples are when the verb "to be" is used as an auxiliary. See

Oxford English Dictionary page 3749 paragraph 2b: Whoever.

Let’s look at the actual text from 1588: “Whatsoever thou art” be baptized in Christ.” Asnd in 1601: From Shakespeare: “Couldest thou read this whatsoever thou art?”

Here is harmonizing KJV Scripture:

Lev 22:18 King James Bible
...say unto them, Whatsoever he be of the house of Israel, or of...

whoever is eternally of the house of Israel.

And here's your NIV translation:

Leviticus 22:18
New International Version
18 “Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites and say to them: ‘If any of you—whether an Israelite or a foreigner residing in Israel—presents a gift for a burnt offering to the Lord, either to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering,

Next, study the etymology:

Looking at the Etymology: the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history:
"the decline of etymology as a linguistic discipline"

whatsoever (pron.)
"of whatever nature, kind, or sort," mid-13c., quuat-so-euere, from whatso "whatever" (c. 1200; see what), an emphatic referring to things, + ever. A double intensive of what. As an adjective from mid-15c.

what (pron.)

Old English hwæt, referring to things in abstraction; also "why, wherefore; indeed, surely, truly," from Proto-Germanic pronoun *

wherefore - that which is of - for which cause

ever (adv.)

Old English æfre "ever, at any time, always;"

what-sō-ever pron.

Forms what-sō-ever pron. Also whatsever, whatser, (N) wahtsoevir, (early) hwatsoævre) whatesoeuery.
Etymology From what pron. & sō-ever adv.; also cp. what-sō pron. & ē̆ver adv.

what-so-ever, what-soever, and whatsoever - Middle English Compendium (

soever is also faound as a compound of the adverbs so and ever that dates to Old English in the 12th century. Together they mean “to any possible or known extent” EXAMPLE: And what children soever they found. However in the Oxford English Dictionary we see the original meaning on a more "eternal state."

As an independent relative with indefinite or generalizing force referring to a person, introducing a noun clause functioning as an appositive to a pron. used as subj. in main clause: whoever, no matter who.

When it is used in the context of referring to a thing it means WHATEVER. Since the modern Bibles copied in great part the King James Bible, Whatever is considered the modern meaning of Whatsoever. Reference after reference sarcastically or patronizingly (Treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority:)

wherefore (adv.)
"for what cause or reason," c. 1200, hwarfore, from where (in the sense of "in which position or circumstances") + for (prep.).

whatsoever | Etymology, origin and meaning of whatsoever by etymonline

3. Harmonizing Scripture with Scripture:

That which is FOREVER - ETERNAL... He shall hear, that shall he speak.

Jn 16:13
...not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall...
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”—John 16:13

And all things, in That which is FOREVER - ETERNAL... You all shall ask in prayer...

Mt 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,...
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”—Matthew 21:22

That which is FOREVER - all shall bind on earth...

Mt 18:18
...say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in...
“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”—Matthew 18:18

That which is FOREVER - ETERNAL... you all DO in word or deed...DO all in the name of Jesus...

Colossians 3:17

17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

3:23: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

Interesting to note Colossians 3:17, 23 use of "whatsoever" although referenced that the Greek Strongs G3748, G3739, G3956, (all clearly identified as articles and Originate from G5100 and G3739 - exactly in the same sense and meaning as 1 Corinthians 10:31which is clearly "a definite person," who is identified in context as a Saint, ruled by the Holy Spirit mature in Christ who asks nothing for their own will but of God.


BlessedHope 117 Salvation Plan
Believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ!

A- admit you are a sinner
Romans 3:10/3:23

B- Believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again
Romans 5:8/6:23

C- Call upon the name of the Lord
Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:9/10:13

The gospel:
“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:3-4‬ ‭‬‬



Most do NOT know the GOSPEL #EndTimes (

ABC Salvation Equation AKA Romans Road is NOT scriptural... Understanding Romans 10... Salvation Requirement? No! Here's why... (

UPDATE: Forthcoming Work

SCRIPTURE WITH "WHATSOEVER" that I am still questioning with profound implications to our understanding. See my forthcoming work, "Understanding Binding and Loosing with the Keys to the Kingdom:"


Matthew 16:19
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
(19) I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.—Two distinct trains of figurative thought are blended in the words that follow. (1.) The palace of a great king implied the presence of a chief officer, as treasurer or chamberlain, or to use the old Hebrew phrase, as “over the household.” And of this, as in the case of Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah (Isaiah 22:22), the key of office, the key of the gates and of the treasure, was the recognised symbol. In the highest sense that key of the house of David belonged to Christ Himself as the King. It was He who opened and none could shut, who shut and none could open (Revelation 3:7). But that power was now delegated to the servant whose very name, as an Apostle, marked him out as his Lord’s representative, and the after history of Peter’s work, when through him God “opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles” (Acts 14:27; Acts 15:7), was the proof of his faithful discharge of the office thus assigned to him. (2.) With this there was another thought, which in the latter clause of the verse becomes the dominant one. The scribes of Israel were thought of as stewards of the treasures of divine wisdom (Matthew 13:52). When they were admitted to their office they received, as its symbol, the “key of knowledge” (Luke 11:52), which was to admit them to the treasure-chambers of the house of the interpreter, the Beth-Midrash of the Rabbis. For this work the Christ had been training His disciples, and Peter’s confession had shown that the training had so far done its work. He was qualified to be a “scribe instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, and to bring forth out of its treasures things new and old” (Matthew 13:52); and now the “key” was given to him as the token of his admission to that office. It made him not a priest (that office lay altogether outside the range of the symbolism), but a teacher and interpreter. The words that follow as to “binding” and “loosing” were the formal confirmation in words of that symbolic act. For they, too, belong to the scribe’s office and not the priest’s, and express an entirely different thought from that of retaining and forgiving sins. That power was, it is true, afterwards bestowed on Peter and his brother-apostles (see Note on John 20:23), but it is not in question here. It must be remembered, lastly, that the power thus bestowed on him was conferred afterward (Matthew 18:18) on the whole company of the Apostles, or, more probably, on the whole body of the disciples in their collective unity, and there with an implied extension to partially judicial functions (see Note on Matthew 18:18).

Matthew 16 Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (



The Bride - The Wife - The Church - One in Israel - One in Christ (

We Saints are The Bride of Christ (

The Lord Rebuke all who deny the Church as the Bride of Christ - They very likely may be Bridesmaids... (

Why I used, "The Lord Rebuke..." regarding those who deny the Bride of Christ is the Church (

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