NUMN Edition - #23 Rusty Trigger and Perfect Desert Storm

1 year ago

All the clown world news that matters (but not to your mama) on Not Ur Mama's News! This week we cover:
Oh Lord, won’t you keep the cops from, my Mercedes Benz? Radioactive capsule hops off the back of a lorry in kangaroo land. Pfizer gain of function research revealed by “loss of function” senior exec. Anti-gun Alec arrested for accidental assassination.
In between, other topics turn up as regularly as civil asset forfeiture seizures by power mad police.

Unknowns featured this week: Ashley, Keel, Stella and Justin.

News Item Links:
PD’s Got the Benz;
Missing Fission Contraption Mission;
Pfizer Surpriser;
Baldwin Pulled In.

Other Useful links:

You Are Loved Store - Jackye's online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".
The Ministry of Truth on the Kramatorsk Radiation Accident in Ukraine, 1980 – 1989.

Please send us your take on this week’s news stories, as well as your news item suggestions to:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email —;
Phone - 404-482-3130

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(Just don't tell your mama.)

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