286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 170 - Dave Jaye, whoville, Propaganda and #LelandNation

2 years ago

286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 170
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Lifestream page..
Constitution team, Voter integrity, Eric, Florida waterways, Legislative Team
Guests -
Image Leland nation
Dave Jaye triple dipper report
On the agenda for Feb 28, 2023
E-6 Core Civic 116,250.00
Update Outstanding Commissioners List
Review of Outstanding Commissioners' List Items.
Exactly how is communication of this item happening. Florida State Constitution Article I, Section 24 (b)

1:30 PM Public Hearing on an Ordinance Pertaining to Noise, Vibration and Air
a. Conduct a Public Hearing on an Ordinance of Citrus County, Florida, relating to
noise, vibration and air pollution; amending Chapter 21, Article II, Section 21-28
entitled "Exemptions"; amending Chapter 21, Article II, Section 21-32 entitled
"Enforcement"; providing for severability; providing for modifications that may arise
from consideration at public hearing; providing for scrivener's errors; providing for
codification; and providing for an effective date.

E-6 Lifestream Public hearing to be set for march 14, 2023

No street vacation for Finegan?
July 19, 2023 Strategic planning retreat. Is this where the public input she keeps talking about comes in? I doubt it.
Here’s how propaganda works
Image I 75 stopped

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