The Andromedans' 11D Collective Speaks: A Revelation for Your Spiritual Ascension! Channeled Message

1 year ago

#andromedans #spiritualguidance #consciousness In this channeled Message, we learn that the Andromedans are a humanoid species from a galaxy near the core of the universe. They are part of the Federation of Light and help stabilize energetic grids in their quadrant of the galaxies. Their mission is to spread a message of light and love to humanity and to aid in the growth of conscious awareness everywhere.

The Andromedans come from an 11th-dimensional plane of existence that is difficult for humans to understand, but they are high light, high vibrational beings that seek to enlighten other beings through their ascension beings. They offer much more than technological advancements in raising human consciousness, and there are numerous possibilities for collaboration within the light.

One way the Andromedan collective can enhance spiritual practice is through radionic grid patterns of extraction, which can expand one's consciousness and help support connections to other multidimensional beings. By asking the Andromedans and working with their guidance, humans can enhance their ability to receive and send psychic information.

The Andromedans, like the Arcturians, have numerous ways to help humans that don't currently exist with human technology and require an understanding of spiritual nerve circuitry. The Andromedans believe that humans are coming into their own enlightenment and will continue to help where they can as humanity walks their path to the infinite.

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