✔Altered∡angle Sun still Green-Pt5❙Atm refraction renderings implies Kopernik convex globe debunked!

1 year ago

#5: ⊗Sun position (➯ degrees above the horizon) has been ALTERED now to higher above horizon level, but resultant rendering is still green – in general, by reducing the on-ball Earth life theories to absurd, result of operation chrominance aberration, „granulated” details are even red... .
⊗ Sun was modeled as mesh light on all series' vids
!!! •Sun size abstracted on the series. „Assumption” of convex Kopernik rotating ball displaces sun relative to the convex earth
•Cosmic Vacuum world volume joined to scene properties panel (I discussed IORs on previous video blog entries). It doesn't have somewhat big impact.
•Interesting details, scene view recorded inside this screen dump – in plan uploading it to GitHub
•Blender 2.79b
•LuxCore UI / standalone (run by helper Bash/Python script that renders previously saved file – currently opened by Blender as Script requirement – getting title from „wmctrl” command) — in order to make Lux stable on programmatically complicated scientific scenes.
•Ciddor & air atmospheric layers (concentric spheres with differing indexes of atmospheric refraction) comes from Py script also
•Usage NOT requiring big RAM, I have approx. less than 3GB +with ZRAM compression driver, massive Brave browser opened simultaneously in background. But when rendering another scene, for other BUT JOINED topic – I must use Tile option in Lux.
•BIDIR CPU, Metropolis sampler
•I don't think sun mesh subdivision level matters, as having some experience with it so far
••Flat e. is also scam, I strongly prefer ✔Concave one
---- 2 playlists
#degrees #scientific #science #chromosphere #solarsystem #luxcore #standalone #analysis #debunked #angular #dispersion #bidirectional #concaveearth #concavity #series #theglobe #verification #truemodeloftheworld #atmospheric #refraction #refractive #refraction_of_light #studies #examination #testing #presentation #granular #3dmodelling #3dblender #cosmos #theories #godexists #proximity #interplanetary #propagation #sunlight #raytracing #raymarching #red #green #chromatic #aberration #scenery #projects #cellularuniverse #evidence #Kopernik #copernicus #natureofreality #scatteringoflight #rayleigh #shape #geology #geomorphology #geography

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