3 of Barack Obama's alleged ex-gay lovers murdered in a 6 week period in 2007

2 years ago


This is a short 10 minute excerpt of Larry Sinclair's press conference in June 2008 at the National Press Club to address his alleged gay relationship with Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate. Larry Sinclair stated to the press that he and Barak Obama had gay sex while Obama smoked crack, not once but twice in 1999. Once in a limo and the next day in a hotel room. Sinclair stated that the murdered Donald Young, Obama's churches gay choir master told him, by phone, he also had sex with Barack Obama, before Young was murdered.

I remember hearing this guy Larry Sinclair back in 2008 as a guest on the Jeff Rense program and he came out in public because he saw some of Barack Obama's ex-lovers (From the SAME church, Unity Church) were getting murdered execution style in a 6-week window in late 2007 so Larry Sinclair went public and he co-wrote his book with Jeff Rense. Once all the information is out then THEY have no reason to KILL you.
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? Hardcover – June 15, 2009

Barack Obama was an Illinois Senator from 1997 to 2004. Obama started his presidential campaign sometime in 2007 and in only a 6-week period from November 17th 2007 to December 26th 2007, 3 ex-lovers of Barak Obama were murdered. All 3 belong to the same church!! COINCIDENCE?? Obama's relationship with Donald Young was confirmed by Larry Sinclair, who claims to have had two sex-cocaine trysts with Barack Obama in 1999.

- Larry Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17th 2007
- Donald Young was murdered execution-style on December 24th 2007
- Nate Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007. (Death certificates of Bland and Young, HERE.)

Obama’s Gay Past Being Hidden By Killing Ex-Lovers- January 16th 2012

Larry Bland, one of three openly gay men at Barack Obama's church with Trinity United Pastor Jeremiah Wright, was murdered execution style.

Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up

(2008) Larry Sinclair Press Conference Exposing Barack Obama FULL VIDEO (56 minutes)

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