Autism Daily Struggles 5 Ways YOU Can Keep On Track

2 years ago

Autism daily life can present its own struggles for every autistic person. Here are 5 ways to keep your daily life on track!

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1. Apps
I use apps to keep my life on track as autism daily routines are amazing and calming for me. My favourite apps, are Microsoft To Do, Apple Notes, Apple Reminders and iCal. If I didn't have an iPad and iPhone I would't be able to operate my life.

2. Down Time
For the issues presented in autism daily life, it is so important to implement down time. This could be playing video games or reading or anything that brings you joy for at least 1 hour a day. This is important to give your brain some down time.

3. Brillia
Brillia is a homeopathic medicine that is completely awesome, and prescription free. It has no nasties in it and no harmful side effects. Brillia helps with focus and concentration, but also reduces anxiety which is empirical for autism daily life struggles.

4. Sensory Hacks
Autistic people have usually some if not all sensory processing issues, this could be any sensory input from sound and smell to touch and temperature. Hacking these like, wearing sunglasses and headphones to dampen the environment is an A1 hack! Also creating monthly sensory breaks (away from overstimulating things in your life).

5. Alerts
So being autistic comes with the issue of poor remembering ahead skills, like if someone tells you to be somewhere on a certain date and time. Usually it isn't going to happen. So I use a reminders app to alert me of any appointments coming up

If you have anything you would like to add please pop it in a comment below. Also follow @theaspieworld for more awesome autism content.

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41 Action News - Two Americas: Adults with autism reflect on daily challenges:

Autism and everyday life - NHS -

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