SP #69 - Distractions Open 24 Hours

2 years ago

On episode 69 of the Skids Podcast;

- Snow Day
- Hummer
- Speed Running/Exploits Video games
- Shane Hates Everyone
- Distractions
- The news sucks
- Computers in schools
- Adam Sandler
- Ohio Train Wreck
- "Suicides"
- The Meme
- Unilad
- Tropic Thunder/This is the End
- Back in the day...
- Swatting
- Stores open 24 Hours
- Bill Heder/Barry
- Tim and Steven Spielberg
- Blackface
- Velvet Alley AD
- Coffee Brand Coffee AD

#skidspodcast #garbagepailskids #podcast #comedy #stevenspielberg #speedrun #videogames #distractions #ohiotrainwreck #ohio #mayorpete #adamsandler #suicides #tropicthunder #thisistheend #sethrogan #barry #billheder #news #hummer #computers #meme #swatting #open24hours #unilad #exploits #netflix #HBO #blackface

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/JQMpl4Peln8
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Opening Video -
Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13

Velvet Alley Designs -

Coffee Brand Coffee -
Use the coupon code: gps1 to receive 5% off your purchase. You will be supporting an independent, growing company, as well as our show in the process!!

The Yatta Song Now, with subtitles! Be afraid Be VERY afraid

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