Half Hour Deadlift Challenge

1 year ago

It was time to test my muscle endurance and mental toughness again. I had done the challenge before, doing the published two reps every minute on the minute (EMOM), but I wanted to ramp up the difficulty this time. With my strength level still not all the way back where I would like it to be, adding weight on the bar didn't seem to be a good option. How about THREE reps EMOM for thirty minutes straight instead?

I realize that the footage gets rather repetitious (for some reason) and tedious, so feel free to fast forward or skip ahead. Just be sure to stick around for the dramatic conclusion!

Note that I don't recommend this challenge for most people. It's something you generally need to work up to gradually. However, if you already do other high-rep sessions, or if you are strong enough that 315 is an easy warmup weight for you, this may be a good one to try out. If grip is a concern, consider using straps in order to focus on pulling without any worries of dropping it.

The rest of this month I'll be focusing on moving with weights (loaded carry variations, sled pushing and pulling, weighted ladder climbs, etc.). In April I'll return to some occasional high-rep lifting and see how my conditioning is at that point.

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