Mike Yeadon - 3 Short Excerpts

1 year ago

From an Interview with Meryl Nass, originally posted on the Children's Health Defense website: Toxic by Design With Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/toxic-by-design-with-michael-yeadon-phd-1676056671675/

1st) He posits that if you see something on mainstream media, they want you to see it; specifically the Bio-Lab theory of Covid.
2nd) He makes clear that to centralize health issues, like the WHO does, instead of letting many people and locales try varied methods is wrong.
3rd) He talks about the 15 Minute City where he lives.

And please check out my Quasar website for more information (many downloadable PDFs - both original content by me and in my PDF library content from other sources) about aspects of the ongoing Global Coup: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/
Also on my website (the link above) check out and download the PDF, Roger's Quasar BitChute Video Channel Index with links to all video content I have posted on my 3 Quasar channels: In the right sidebar of any page on my website click on the Orange Link with this document's title.

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