2nd Amendment Town Hall, Park Rapids, MN 2-26-23

2 years ago

2nd Amendment Town Hall Meeting in Park Rapids, MN on 2-26-23 - Hosted by We the People of Northern MN at Assembly of God Church.
Speakers included (left to right): Dist. 2B State Rep. Matt Bliss, Dist. 5 Senator Paul Uke, Dist. 5A State Rep. Krista Knudsen, Hubbard County Sheriff Cory Aukes, MN Gun Owners Caucus Volunteer Katey Lunden, Dist. 2 Senator Steve Green, Dist. 5B State Rep. Mike Wiener & Host Scott Pickett of We the People of Northern MN.

Discussion was on Radical & Unconstitutional Gun Control Bills
that are currently being heard & pushed for in Minnesota including:
HF 14/SF 1116 - Universal Background Checks
HF 15/SF 1117 - Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders
HF 396/SF 916 - Safe Storage Requirements
HF 601/SF 606 - Mandatory Lost & Stolen Firearm Reporting
SF 1723 - Registration of all Firearms & Banning of Others

Special Thank you to all who attended & all who helped put this super event together.

Hubbard County Republicans Meetings:
2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm
Abide Church - 17765 MN-34, Park Rapids, MN

We the People of Northern MN Meetings:
twice a month on Sundays at 4:00 pm
Assembly of God Church - 208 Western Ave S, Park Rapids, MN
contact Scott Pickett for more info 218-252-0351

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