Right and wrong Form of Charity, Balls and Places of Entertainment... Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

1 year ago

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The right and wrong form of Charity… Balls & Places of Entertainment

Heavenly Gifts… Revealed by Jesus thru Jakob Lorber
July 7th 1840, Tuesday afternoon

1. Every poor person in need of help is a close brother to Me, just like the greedy rich people are to satan.

2. When I send my poor brothers to your door, to you, who are rich and wealthy, then you know that I have not yet pulled back My love from you.

3. But if you once have reached that point – here I’m generally speaking – that the poor ones don’t dare to come close to your home, then you know, that My love has departed from you for all times. Such a rich person then stands in the world under the protection of hell, to the deceptive semblance. But in all his alleged luck is not one single spark of My love and even less of My grace present.

4. It is the same case with all those worldly rich with money, who give much or little alms, just because of their reputation or because of a certain duty. – Und the so called ‘mild ones’ are an abomination, and I would like to say… ‘whore’ contributions, which come forth pennywise from certain dance-, gaming- and many other amusement opportunities, which I detest, just because of the name, to grant the public harlotry an even more free scope! O this is such a disgrace eternally, to establish a sacrificial altar for Me in the chapels of satan!

5. Therefore, My dear ones, you shall not act like the children of hell, instead, your donation shall be seen by nobody other than Myself, the poor ones and yourselves. And everyone shall give generously relative to their assets!

6. For truly I say to you… For a penny you will receive an earth, and for a drink of living water an entire sun, of which you will be rulers! – But if you’ll do it solely out of pure love for Me, then, friends, I tell you nothing else than this… None of those will ever see nor feel death during their life in the body, for their sweet dying will be a great awakening in the arms of their most holy Father. And secondly… What it means… ‘to be a friend of God, eternally’ – consider this, friends… Who is calling you His friends! – That, you cannot fathom!

7. But now, my servant will show you a poor man – he is poor in a double sense, in body and spirit, first help him with his body, but then also spiritually! – Whoever will be the first one, he will experience a lot of joy. Do it, and don’t ask… ‘Who?’ – Instead, help the one shown to you! He is your brother, and you shall not worry about anything else, if you want to be true children of your Father in Heaven, who lets His sun shine over both, the good and the evil ones, and gives food even to the rapacious animals. – Amen! I, Jehovah, your Father! Amen, amen, amen.
Regarding Balls and Places of Entertainment. – July 17th 1840, morning

1. This I say to you, as My lazy servant, to show you the source of the disgust, which befalls you, when you hear something about dancing, the ‘Redoute’, the ‘Réunion’, the ‘Ball’ the ‘Casino’, and especially now also from the bad foundation of the so called middle-class ‘Ressource’.

2. The disgust ist quite just, for it emerges from the spirit. ‘Cause every dance entertainment, every ‘Réunion’ and every ‘Ball’ is an open grave full of dross. The ‘Casino’ is a dump of big, dead amphibians. And such a ‘Ressource’ is an abyss, where satan has prepared a barrel in the deepest depth, adorned with flowers, so that even the spiritually sensitive noses shall not notice the unsubtle, deceptive stench of his refuse.

3. If little is enough for the wisdom, then I have told you everything with these few short words. But your friends should take note of this as well. And therefore, it is still necessary, to add a few more words, because of their limited insight.

4. Satan has seen with chagrin and much anger, that there are several better families in this city who have refused to join his amusing seductions, because of the stench. For that reason, he has invented a new method… He has positioned a large, sealed barrel in an infinite deep abyss. The abyss of hell however, he has well covered with nice, very smooth planks of wood, and he has adorned the descent with very fragrant flowers of the world – so that no one should suspect anything sinister!

5. He said to himself… ‘I want to prepare a nice meal for myself here now, and I want to start living from the tender flesh of the children and not constantly eat the chewy meat of the worn-out whores, those shall my (hell-)angels chew and digest in the future. I will stay hidden behind the fragrant, alluring and beautiful flowers, where nobody shall notice me. As soon as the flower addicted children flock in, I will grasp, devour and digest them, and then I let them down as fine refuse into the barrel in the abyss. Then, the parents shall see, how they can get them out of there, as true as I, Satan, am the mightiest! It shall be easier for them to tear a fixed star from the sky, than to rescue even one hair of a child, be it a girl or a boy, out of there!’

6. There it is, Satan’s own words and plan revealed! – So what do you think, how much does such an establishment please Me?

7. I have now shown you the great danger in all My incorruptible truth, in a fatherly and divine caring way. Satan stands exposed before you, in the entire depth of his wickedness, My few children. Therefore take heed of My love and of this great grace of your holy Father flowing from His love, and be on guard! For those, who can see the enemy, will be able to flee from him. But woe to the blind and deaf ones and those, who will not heed My counsel! I will rather send My angels down to all hells, to convert those gone astray, and illuminate all the darkness there, than to look at such a barrel with only one merciful glance! – Amen. – Remember, I am saying this, the God of Eternity… Amen

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