Melanie Sykes Autism (EXPLOSIVE REVEAL)

2 years ago

Melanie Sykes has revealed she is autistic this is a huge reveal - must see!

She has recently been diagnosed with autism, which is super interesting.

Her son Tino has an autism diagnosis also which I believe lead to her seeking her own diagnosis.

she says. "I've always felt different to other people and how they think and operate, but now I know it's because I'm autistic it makes me feel validated as I understand why."

The reason this is so explosive is that it helps being about a more well rounded view of autism.

It also crates more undertaking about autism in females which is such a big forgotten about topic.

This is fantastic and I am excited to see how this changes the public view on autism.

I’d you have anything to add please drop it in a comment down below, and follow @theaspieworld for more autism content.

#melanie #wrightstuff #Autism

Loose Women - Melanie Sykes Shares Her Inspiring Later In Life Autism Diagnosis| Loose Women:

This Morning - Melanie Sykes And Daniel Caltagirone On Parenting A Child With Autism | This Morning:

TV presenter Melanie Sykes announces ‘life-affirming’ autism diagnosis -

Melanie Sykes opens up about her autism diagnosis: 'It's fantastic' -

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