20230302-A Wise Man Does Not Pick a Fight With CSIS

2 years ago

Shortly after he got elected, Trump got into a spat with the American intelligence community. Chuck Schumer warned him that "They can get you 6 ways from Sunday."

Well, now we're deep into President Cheeto's second term, proving Schumer wrong, right? Wrong. Trump? He gone.

A wise Prime Minister would learn this lesson and not pick a fight with CSIS. On the other hand, Paints His Face Trudeau is HAS picked a fight with CSIS, over election security.

The Chinese have been boasting about getting the trust fund tyrant his latest government, to which he responded by claiming that our elections are safe and secure, and the Chinese are lying, and CSIS is lying.

Who ya gonna believe; narcissistic sociopath, serial liar, bigot and fool Trudeau, or (1) the people tasked with national security, and (2) the people, known for spying, boasting about it?

Enjoy scrapping with the intelligence community, fool.

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