LEFT vs RIGHT (vs Neither)

2 years ago

A funny satire of the woke and leftists view of left vs right American politics that has become the mainstream view by which people are branded either left or right wing. A comedic satire of woke culture, wokeness, leftists, progressives, democrats vs republicans, identity politics, SJW’s, and more. This video is a clip from my video called “The Secret Woke Training Film” which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRTACzwBIak

#woke #leftist #leftists #wokeculture #wokeness #antiwoke #sjw #satire

If it wasn’t obvious enough this video is a comedic satire/parody. A funny comedic satire of American politics, leftists, left vs right politics, democrats vs republicans, wokeness, woke culture, progressives, SJW's, and more. This video is a clip from “The Secret Woke Training Film” created by myself, Spencer Cathcart, which you can watch in full on my channel Freshtastical.

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