1 year ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎LEARN to #Master your anger..Put it's NEGATIVITY in it's proper place..Use it's #POWER of destruction to do good by others as well as yourself in finding #POSITIVESOLUTIONS in negative situations..
ASSESS it's SOURCE of inconvenience and troubles..ERADICATE all possibilities of losing #SELFCONTROL..and move forward with #DETERMINATION.. #FOCUS..and #PRECISION on what to do in any situation..
PRACTICE hard on controlling your ACTIONS in situations you have no control over..
There will be many #INDIVIDUALS and obstacles trying to hinder you from being HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL..It's just how the world is thinking at the moment..But you as the individual can control your own #THOUGHTPROCESS..and not be manipulated by the masses..# Seek God and your own #SPIRITUALAWARENESS..
These two #BLESSINGS will carry you far in your ENDEVOURS to reach PEACE..
#TRANQUILITY..and the pursuit of happiness..Once again..It's never easy..But you will find yourself becoming stronger..wiser..more COMPASSIONATE for your fellow MAN/ well as yourself..#CONTROL your anger..Then you may think much clearer..And steer clear of FEAR and RESENTMENT of some foolish actions you committed..knowing you should of controlled the anger within you first before lashing out..#GoWithGod and stay at PEACE..
I know I'm trying..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with #PositiveOptimism"#MuchLove Humans▪︎
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