2 years ago

Very interesting presentation with strong argument backed by strong scientific evidences!

This man is a real fighter. He and his wife have been standing up to not only a bunch of so-called Archeologists but the the whole system of power that controls "history" and "knowledge"

‘Who controls the past, controls the future- who controls the present controls the past.’” This is exactly the ruling minority has been doing since time immemorial! They create the past and make all of us believe it at the present with bribery and brute force! Because they can!

My motto is not only just DON’T BELEIVE whatever Government and mainstream “authority” “experts” say, but I know for a fact that WHATEVER THEY SAY IS NOT ONLY HORSHIT BUT HARMFUL and DESTRUCTIVE TO HAPPINESS, LIBERTY and EVERYTHING THAT HUMAN BEING CHERISHES!

It's just my "one cent", BTW!

The last word is yours as always, folks!

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