The Infamous Drug Trial That Shocked Britain - Real Stories Full-Length Medical Documentary

1 year ago

The drug trial that shocked Britain is known as the TGN1412 trial. It was a clinical trial of a new drug designed to treat autoimmune diseases such as leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis. The trial was conducted in London in March 2006, and six healthy volunteers participated.

During the trial, all six volunteers suffered a severe allergic reaction known as a cytokine storm. The reaction was so severe that they were all hospitalized and suffered organ failure. One of the volunteers was left with permanent disabilities.

The incident sparked a public outcry and raised questions about the safety of clinical trials. The trial was heavily criticized for its design and the lack of precautions taken to prevent such an adverse reaction.

In the aftermath of the trial, new regulations were introduced to improve the safety of clinical trials. These regulations require stricter scrutiny of drugs before they can be tested on humans, and they also require more stringent monitoring of participants during the trial.

Overall, the TGN1412 trial was a tragic event that highlighted the need for better safety measures in clinical trials. The incident served as a wake-up call to the medical community, and it led to significant improvements in the regulation of clinical trials.

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