(2013) Clinton Insider Larry Nichols admits he was a HITMAN for the Clintons

1 year ago

Source: publiusforum

Pete Santilli's interview with Clinton insider LARRY NICHOLS on September 24th 2013 where Larry admits he killed for the Clintons and that he shot and killed a woman in Dallas to ensure she never talks as she knew stuff about the Clintons.
Larry worked for the Clintons off and on from the mid 1970s to 1988 where Larry Nichols spent the last 30 years exposing the Clinton.

Larry admits to beating up woman and husbands to protect the Clintons. Larry says he has been all over the world killing people for the USA government as a trained Green Beret in the 1980's and then worked for the Clintons in between jobs.
Says Ronald Reagan sent him to Nicaragua to kill people for the country. He believed he was doing this for his country and when he returned to the USA the Clintons had others they wanted murdered and paid Larry $$$ to do it and he didn't care and needed the money.

Larry Nichols claims that he murdered people to protect the Clintons (at their KILL order). If Larry got an "F2" call then it meant to go in and KILL a guy and he didn't give a shit.

Pete asks Larry if he is worried about the Clintons sending somebody to kill him and he reminds Pete that he is a skilled Green Beret and did this in foreign countries and said he would kill them first.
Larry Nichols wrote the book "THE GENIE IS OUT OF THE BOTTLE" which is the PLAY BOOK that Hillary Clinton goes by still.
The genie is out of the bottle Paperback – by Larry Nichols (Author) January 1, 1999
Read the amazon comments on Larry's book. Most 5/5 stars except the Clinton lovers who give him a 1/5 so 4/5 average.

Larry explains why Hillary & Bill Clinton are married to each other (since she is a hardcore lesbian and Bill is a sex deviant) is because a husband and wife can't testify against each other in a court of law.

Chelsea Clinton is NOT Bill Clintons daughter but Webster Hubbells daughter (Webster Hubbell was Hillary Clintons Law Partner in Arkansas). Larry was the one that gave this story to the National Enquirer to first post it.

Larry's attorney had been beaten up by Bill Clinton Goons and Larry says he knows this because those Goons were Arkansas Troopers Larry Patterson and Roger Perry (See TROOPER GATE video) who later joined with Larry against the Clintons (These were 2 state troopers who were Bill Clintons bodyguards).

"More than SEX" TV interview of Clinton Bodyguard Larry Patterson an Arkansas Trooper who lived intimately with Bill & Hillary Clinton- Newsmax September 14th 1999.
Some excerpts: LP= Arkansas state Trooper Larry Patterson
LP: George, if these people were together for more than 3 or 4 hours, they were at each other, they were fighting; and many many times the anti-Semitic slurs were used. The “N” word was often used.
GP: And at one point, Bill Clinton made some shocking comments about a fellow state trooper – one who had died in the line of duty.
LP: George, he was in Southwest Arkansas at this trooper’s funeral and he made the statement in front of two other state policemen, “Well, I don’t know what the big deal is – he was just a God Dam PIG" (Derogatory term of a police officer).

Hitman Who Claims He Worked For The Clinton’s Tells All- 2015

Larry says Hillary was Hugh Rodhams daughter from Chicago and after Al Capone, Hugh Rodham and Dan Rostenkowski took over (and ran) the Chicago Mob. When Bill married Hillary he had the chicago mob behind him.

Here is Larry Nichols with Alex Jones a few years later (2016 Presidential election time) talking about Hugh Rodham saying the drapery maker business was a cover.

Larry admits to shooting a lady in Dallas to keep her from talking on behalf of the Clintons. Larry says he spent 2 years on the ground in the middle east (Iraq) when Iran was attacking Iraq (Iran/Iraq war 1980-1988).

Larry reminds Pete that he was the one who cut the nuts off a man and put it in a jar. Larry admits to cutting Wayne DuMond's nuts off after he raped a 17 year old distant cousin of Bill Clinton called Ashley Stevens.

Crime History: Masked intruders castrate Wayne DuMond, Arkansas rapist of 17-year-old- March 6th 2013
On this day, March 7, in 1985, two masked men broke into a home and castrated an Arkansas man who was awaiting trial for the rape of a 17- year-old cheerleader and distant cousin of then-Gov. Bill Clinton.
The intruders were never found, but the case of Wayne DuMond would be used in at least two presidential campaigns.
DuMond, 35, was castrated while awaiting trial for the 1984 rape of Ashley Stephens. DuMond was found guilty and sentenced to life plus 20 years, and the sheriff displayed DuMond's severed testicles in jar in his office.
In early March 1985, with Wayne awaiting trial, his wife, Dusty, wrote a letter to a local newspaper defending her husband and blasting Sheriff Conlee. Only days later, Wayne DuMond was sitting at home, drunk, when two men broke in, hog-tied him, and made him give one of them a blowjob—”just like you made her do,” the perp snarled. Then they castrated him with a knife.
The Castration of Wayne DuMond- by WARD HARKAVY March 6, 2001

Larry Nichols died of cancer in late 2020. Here is his old twitter account. I notice all the youtube videos Larry had posted has since been removed so I thought I should upload some videos of the Clinton videos off of Youtube before they delete them too and put on Rumble.

Here is Larry Nichols YT channel right up to his death in 2020.
Sep 16, 2020

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