Is there an end?

2 years ago

“Is there an end? Since 2021, the world spirals out of control; we all need answers. Now in 2023+, a new army of writers are on the rise. Are you called to articulate and prophesy into these days? ETW is a new journey to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead, helping writers get their message published to the world, and develop writing of end-time topics; fact or fiction. In books, film, TV, blogs, journalism, poetry; any form of writing, as well as offer our own work. Have you started writing and creating… but let it go? Be encouraged today; pick it back up, trust God, find your voice, get ready, finish your work. It’s NOW the time! ETW.”

“Read our blogs, and various books, most are FREE downloads Stephen Bennett books. ‘Revelation - the Terrible & the Good,’ the journey of John who went to heaven and saw the future we are in now, and the end of the world; written like a thrilling movie. Also New Release; ‘The Power of Apostolic Music - The proper order of David’s tabernacle re-building in these end times’ (the sequel to ‘Prophet Musician,’ and a new recent 6 book release by Stephen, including ‘Alan Cohol and the Stimulants’ a Bible perspective on how alcohol and stimulants affect our lives, should we or not? Download them FREE today, pdf-ebooks.”

“Is there an End?”
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