Pfizer Self-Spreading Population Control | Pregnant Women

2 years ago

Self-Spreading Population Control? Pfizer Knew Something About Skin Contact With Pregnant Women
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drcole12: "In Wuhan, in the subways, there was an early study, in the infection, showing they could detect spike [protein] in the sweat of individuals in the subway. So we know the spike does come out in secretions. So then the question becomes: how much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence the individual and the environment? We know in the Pfizer emergency application on page 67, at the bottom of the page, it says, 'If there's a pregnant woman, don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for four weeks.' So Pfizer knew something.... if you have something being shed, that's the toxic particle part of a virus. Well, that's a concerning feature."

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