Dodging the Devil’s attacks like…

2 years ago

No matter how many flaming darts Satan fires against us, the shield of faith can extinguish them all. But that doesn’t happen automatically. Shields need to be picked up, and used. So, how do we do that? Here are steps I have found helpful.1. Identify the flaming dart.Maybe someone gossiped about you, or didn’t invite you to the party, or hurt you in some other way. And you feel bitterness rising in your heart.That bitterness is a flaming dart fired by Satan to destroy you. The same is true with lust, greed, and impatience. So first, identify the dart.2. Trust that this dart can be quenched.When the flaming dart lands, and you feel your heart filling with bitterness, you can feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s why it’s crucial to see that this flaming dart can be quenched.Look again at Ephesians 6:16:In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.You can extinguish this flaming dart, but how?3. Understand that it can only be quenched by the shield of faith.This flaming dart of bitterness cannot be quenched by:trying to stop feeling bitter,looking on the bright side, ortaking a deep breath and counting to ten.None of those will quench the flaming dart, because none of those involves faith. The only way to quench Satan’s darts is with the shield of faith — faith in Christ.So, how do you pick up that shield and use it?4. Turn to Jesus Christ.

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