Tore Sucks Show 2-27-23: Six Minutes of an insane woman babbling incoherently

1 year ago

Tore Sucks Show 2-27-23 pt3 A classic Jim Jones Guyanna-style rant. This one is worth a read. The full transcript appears below. Listen to the feigned laughter, the "I'm not bothered by this" denials and then listen as the UNFLAPPABLE OG goes off the rails.

The problem that we have here is that, you know, we expect an instant fix, but we don’t expect to participate in that fix. We’re waiting for someone to give us the skinny on things. People are waiting for someone else to report things to them. People are waiting for someone else to tell them and this is why I say, “When so-and-so told me so it’s gotta be true, you know, they’re blocked.

Like I don’t even wanna see that because, you know what, it’s not because I don’t like them and you be like, well why do you block? Because it gives me a negative vibe as to how I view the people. I do not want to see people that respond like that, that think they know what they are talking about or, you know, that…that…that… rely. How’s that? The reliance.

You should rely on yourself. You need not anyone but your faith. You know everyone is so concerned with all this shit happening around them, when you don’t have to think of, “Oh my gosh, I’m being attacked from here. Oh my gosh, I’m being attacked from there.”

You know what? I’m being attacked from everywhere. Right? But I’m still staying solid in where I am, and things bother me and I see more of them coming at me. I mean, guys, how many influencers out there or media persons do you know, have like a dedicated group, where they organize, to be like, “All right, we’re going to go over there and we’re totally gonna talk shit?” How many?

I don’t know of anybody that has a hate group like I do. Like people will hate, but they’ll just like drop in and say something. Like I have literal hate groups. I have someone, hee-haw, saying that they wanted to sue me, hee-hee haw-haw, because the…the admins kicked them out, hee-hee, of a chat, haw-haw, and it’s like, I don’t see anyone saying shit like that to Garrett Ziegler, who is channel banned a lot of people, right, and all these channels, and it’s like almost ridiculous.

It is almost, it’s like laughable. It’s like so insane. Like they literally collude and they’re like, “Oh she’s gonna be on that show so we should like go in there and pay attention. We need to get this and do that and they’re literally planning and I’m not, hee-haw SSSSSSS…I’m laughing—more so because it is hilar-hee-haw-ious, hee-hee. But it’s insane. It is really insane and these are people, by the way, that claim they’re patriots, of course. Okay?

Welp, the country’s first, but yet they’re colluding on this. You know, so uh, it’s…it’s the most…insane thing I’ve ever seen, but it…it goes back to what’s that parable? Where it’s like at the last moment, um, you know, you hafta ignore…the smacks you get, the beat downs, the people being petty, toxic, you know, people only g… I have a lot of people that come to me—only when they need something. Right? A lot… A lot… and I’m the type of person that would always be reaching out, “Hey maybe you should, hey here’s something, you should look at it”, and… you know, and they’ll take it and run with it and get whatever clicks or whatever with it, but uh, it doesn’t matter, it’s about putting out there. Right?

Sometimes other people are better at a platform because that’s the way sheeple think. So it doesn’t matter what surrounds you, hence that picture of the dog having coffee, with fire (artificial tweeting bird chimes in) around him saying, “Oh, it’s just fine.” That’s me! All day…every day. Right?

And then, you know, if you turnaround and you tell someone, or something, right, yeah, I don’t wanna be a part of that. It’s like nah, I, uh, NO! Then they start like, “Ohhhh, youuuu mmm naaaa, and it’s like uh, maybe you should just grow, haw-haw ha hmm ha hmm, showing…showing my toxic fandom club, right, that’s what they are, they just like, like seriously, you see them and you’re just like, “These people are insane.” And I’m wondering if…any truth in what these people say. Right?

If you call the police and you make a false police report, you mobilize the police, you get arrested. I hope the FBI is doing the same frickin’ shit right there. Because, this is pure insanity.

In a time of confusion, riightttt—he he, SSSSSS, they have like these insane people, like, lunatics, like literal, card carry... They’ve gotta be card carrying and there’s so many of them and I’m like, “Why don’t I see this, like with people like Jack Prosobiec or Steve Bannon, I mean, “Why aren’t they attracting demons, like that? I mean they do get hate and stuff. Right? Well, why aren’t they attracting demons like that? You know, ‘cause demons only lash out at you when you irritate their spirit. Right? That’s it. You irritate them.

And they don’t like truth either. And they don’t like people that are good. It makes them feel, you know, less, because it’s like, “You could be good too.” You know. It’s kinda like that, SSSSS. SSSSS, but here’s the thing, SSSSS, if you have faith and you step out of the safety net, you feel, and you have faith, and you plough through the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the frickinnnn—snowstorms, the…the explosions, the balloons, and you’re walking through it, and you’re like, “Yep, I’m wearing… What does Tom McDonald say? “I’m wearing sandals…walking through fire wearing sandals, drinking gasoline. You do that when your faith is unwavered. SSSSS, the only time when you will actually burn is when you’re distracted with bullshit.

SSSSS, we gotta stay focused and that’s something that I said on my twitter space yesterday. We need to keep our eyes focused…keep our eyes focused on what we’re supposed to be doing and…and the things we can change. We need to… We need to constantly ask God for the ability to, uhhh, not feel deficient, because we can’t control the things we cannot directly, immediately change. But we can change things locally or—tangibly. Like, right now, with this Kevin McCarthy, we can make change. Thing is, I think the website doesn’t want to work for us because I see, some people were able to submit it, others not, which means, hee-haw, a whole lot of things but we’re going to leave it at that.

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