Enochian Language Rules and Angels in the Mist

1 year ago

*The giant four as a minute mark, minute twenty
12 Revelatory Acts
→Withhold seed to build vision; increase magnesium to adjust for new physiological characteristics.
→Know you have an absurd power of manifestation only limited by your belief and conscious control.
→Awaken to the divine order of events in which you can find yourself if you have eyes to see it.
→Trust your natural energy to unify with the Tao.
→Avoid toxins.
→Tune into the polarity of God outside of you seeking unification with the inner experience of God.
→Look towards positive outcomes without being emotionally ingenuine.
→Don’t let negative expectations blind you from possibility.
→Don’t reject other people; even if you reject their ideas or direction.
→Don’t fear unknowns; lest that fear create your experience.
→Embrace the unknown.
→Embrace the weird experience of collective holy spirit instead of its institutional imitation.

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