All lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors will not be taken

1 year ago

Jesus will take only those who truly follow Him and leave everyone else left behind, Jesus is the alpha and Omega and not inside a box or churches, He is outside and sitting with the outcasts, Jesus did not sit with the religious crowd in His day and still doesn't, He hates religion, traditions, all pagan holidays, man made churches, Jesus did not say to celebrate Easter, Palm Sunday, good Friday, get up early for sunrise services, have egg hunts, dye eggs, see a man or someone in a ugly bunny suit, eat ham on Easter, do mother and father day, Xmas Eve, Xmas day, valentine day, nimrod created all these pagan holidays in ancient Babylon, God told the Israelites to not worship Baal, Ishtar Molech, or He would destroy them in His anger and He did, God is still angry at those who keep Easter, 40 days of lent, palm Sunday, sunrise services, egg hunts, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday, He is the final Passover Lamb and He celebrated Passover one last time with his apostles not Easter, the early Christians did not keep Easter or any of the pagan holidays at all, Romans killed many of them in Rome and the colliseum many died there, there are catacombs where early Christians were buried and hid in Rome, the Catholic Church changed the calendar and got rid of all the Jewish holidays and put Sunday or sun worship down, ash Wednesday, good Friday, palm Sunday, Easter, valentine day, mother and father day, the Catholic Church killed so many Christians in the middle ages, those who wrote the bible in English were burned on the stake, the Catholic Church is full of blood of so many Christians killed by it and sexually abused, all the churches are from the Catholic Church!! They are man made buildings only that say you must be a member of our church, go every Sunday, Sunday evening and Wednesday, give money to a man who probably doesn't need it at all, churches would kick Stephen, Peter, Paul out and say you offend us, they kick Jesus out all the time and say we don't want to hear what you have to say, we love our traditions and program and you are not welcome here, then many will say Lord Lord did we not serve you, drive out demons in your name and I will reply I never knew you depart from Me, get out of these dead churches now or be swept away with the filth, you decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! No middle ground anymore or excuses, will not work with God at all

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