MEP C. Terhes: We are witnessing the biggest corruption cover-up in the EU history!

1 year ago

MEP C. Terhes: Committee draft report: we are witnessing the biggest corruption cover-up in the EU history!

Bitchute video link:

Special Committee on COVID-19 pandemic | European Parliament Multimedia Centre February 28, 2023

MEP C. Terhes: Committee draft report: we are witnessing the biggest corruption cover-up in the EU history!

Social media's: Follow me: >>>>> Compassionate Canadian Montreal, Quebecer, consciously awakened almost 62 year old son of a loving and generous Hungarian father Gabor Csiki originally from Kisvarda, Hungary killed in 2005 and beautiful caring also generous Italian mother Vincenzina killed in 1996 and my big hearted Hungarian stepmother Ilona Ujvari who died of a bad hernia operation in 2009 that I miss so terribly. I witnessed my parents get poisoned to death, murdrerd by the pharmakeia sorcerers. With over 23 years of deep investigative research experience and a slue of thousands of hours of research knowledge by the egoistic, supremacist, criminally insane medical and corporatized mafia out of control criminal conspirators and the globalist Illuminati Satanists/ Talmudic reptilian Jewish Zionists/ Freemasonic Luciferianists! Revelation 18:5

Holy Bible verse from book of Revelation Chapter 18 Verse 5 - “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”

◄ Revelation 18:5 ► New International Version

for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.

King James Version (KJV)


NO BLOOD MONEY FOR THANKS! I value my immortal soul...

Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes: We Are Witnessing The Biggest Corruption Coverup In EU History

The COVID Committee presented on February 28, 2023, about the "lessons learned" during the pandemic don't acknowledge the following problems during the pandemic:

1️⃣ - The report doesn't talk about the contracts that were not fully shown to the members of this committee and don't talk about the scandal of the text messages between the President of the EU commission Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer's chief executive Albert Bourla who was originally a veterinarian not a medical specialist.

The report talks about these injections as being safe and effective but the Pfizer representative stated that they haven't tested their injections If they are stopping the transmission of the virus (what virus?)

The report states that nothing was known about Sars CoV 2 and the disease caused by this new virus, including nothing about the genetic sequence. This statement is false in the documents submitted to EMA by Moderna, they submitted studies of their vaccines conducted before 2019, and they tested their 'vaccines' since 2016.

The report claims that the 'vaccine', saved 250,000 lives. No scientific methodology was presented that was used to calculate that figure. At the

same time, we see now that the countries with the highest 'vaccination' rate have the highest mortality rate

The report doesn't mention the abusive way the digital green certificate was used all across Europe.

The report ignores the fundamental rights of any human being to not be forced to be injected with a medical product. Such a medical decision must have been the sole result of a free and informed consent of that patient.


Category: News & Politics

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